My Java app converts its modal object to JSON (using the GSON Library).

This is just fine, but I have to get it back into a modal in PHP. Now I've created a modal (in my case it's, for example, `GeoLocation`) which has several getters and setters.


    class GeoLocation {

        private $cellTowerId;
        private $dateCreated;
        private $dateModified;
        private $geoLocationId;
        private $geoLocationLatitude;
        private $geoLocationLongitude;
        private $geoLocationName;
        private $geoLocationStatus;
        private $geoLocationTime;
        private $isSynch;
        private $geoLocationAccuracy;
        private $geoLocationAltitude;
        private $geoLocationBearing;
        private $geoLocationProvider;
        private $geoLocationSpeed;
        private $geoStreet;
        private $geoPostalCode;
        private $geoLocality;
        private $geoCountryName;
        private $geoCountryCode;
        private $geoFeatureName;
        private $geoPhone;

        public function getCellTowerId() {
            return $this->cellTowerId;

        public function getDateCreated() {
            return $this->dateCreated;

        public function getDateModified() {
            return $this->dateModified;

        public function getGeoLocationId() {
            return $this->geoLocationId;

        public function getGeoLocationLatitude() {
            return $this->geoLocationLatitude;

        public function getGeoLocationLongitude() {
            return $this->geoLocationLongitude;

        public function getGeoLocationName() {
            return $this->geoLocationName;

    // and many more...

I have a loader class which processes the JSON and should re-create the object as soon as the `set<Varname>()` method exists.

Are there any "security" problems so far or any way to improve it?

    public function process() {
        foreach (parent::getData() as $key) {
            try {
                $geolocation = new GeoLocation();
                foreach ($key as $keyName => $keyValue) {
                    if (method_exists($geolocation, "set" . ucfirst($keyName))) {
                        call_user_func(array($geolocation, "set" . ucfirst($keyName)), $keyValue);
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
                echo $ex->getMessage();

Since the class methods are always synchronized with the Java classes, the getter and setter methods should always exist. Is there maybe a way of doing the getters and setters dynamically using the JSON? 

If there is JSON data which has no methods, like `setJSONDataOfEvilStuff()`, then it's not necessarily so far.