I have JSON with references to other parts in that JSON file.


        "target": "['first']['second']",
        "first": {
            second: 'hi'

I want to access that reference from JS. Right now, I execute the following:

    referenceToObject(json, reference){
        return (new Function(
            'json', 'return json' + reference

That function basically executes like this:

    return json['one']['two'];

I'm not sure if that is completely working, it's part of a larger codebase, but that is the idea.

Is there a better way to extract the `JSON` reference? I'm able to change every bit of this code, as well as the `JSON` because we are reworking the front- and the backend. So, if you have ideas to improve the `JSON` instead of the `Javascript` that would also be great.