Welcome to Python :)


Firstly, Python doesn't require parentheses (`(..)`) around conditionals. So you can just say:

    while replay == 1:

Secondly, too many comments make the code look messy and the reader learns to ignore them. Avoid commenting obvious code, for example:

    random = randint(0, max_value)  #Generates a random int between 0 and max_value

The comment is unnecessary. The code is self-explanatory enough, and if the reader doesn't know what `randint` does, it's time he/she learns it by themselves anyway. Assume the reader knows the language.

Thirdly, logical separation of code into paragraphs greatly helps readability. A 'paragraph' should make a single 'point', and then you should have a blank line before the next paragraph.

**Handling unwelcome scenarios**

You should handle corner cases in your code.

> "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand.
> Good programmers write code that humans can understand." Martin Fowler

For example, a possible corner case in your program is invalid user input. What happens when the user types 'bla' as a guessed number? A `ValueError` is raised and crashes your program. You can handle these situations using one of two approaches.

Preferable approach:

        number = int(input())
    except ValueError:
        print('Enter a valid integer.')
        # ... rest of the code. runs if the try block succeeded.

Less preferable:

    number = input()
    if not isinstance(number, int):
        print('Enter a valid integer.')
        # ... rest of the code

Even better, this could be put into a loop to allow the user to retry. It can even be made into a handy function!

    def get_user_int(message='Type a number: '):
        while True:
                return int(input())  # breaks out of the loop
            except ValueError:
                print('Enter a valid integer.')

Than you can safely use `get_user_int` anywhere in your code. You can pass into it a custom message.


Combining everything I mentioned, here's a possible outcome:

    # In this program, the user must try to guess a random number generated by the computer
    from random import randint
    def guess_game():
        replay = 1   
        # Replay allows a user to replay the game without having to call the function again. 
        # The values are: 1 = Replay, any other character = End
        while replay == 1:       
            lives = get_user_int("How many lives would you like? ")
            max_value = get_user_int("Please choose the largest number that can be generated: ")
            rand_num = randint(0, max_value)
            num_of_guesses = 1  #keeps track of the number of guesses made by the user
            while num_of_guesses <= lives:
                guess = get_user_int("Please enter your guess: ")
                if guess == rand_num:
                    print("Good guess, that is correct! You got the right answer on guess number", num_of_guesses, ", well done!\n")
                    print("Unlucky, that guess was incorrect. You have", (lives-num_of_guesses), "lives remaining.\n")
                num_of_guesses += 1
            if num_of_guesses > lives:
                print("You have run out of guesses. The correct answer was:", rand_num)
            replay = int( input("\nWould you like to play again? Enter 1 for yes, any other character for no: ") )
            if replay != 1:
                print("Thank you for playing. See you next time")
    def get_user_int(message='Enter a number: '):
        while True:
                return int(input(message))
            except ValueError:
                print('Enter a valid number.')

Good luck :)