I have the following dictionary:

    top = {'aaaa': {'☹': 7, '👹': 12, '😡': 6},
          'bbbb': {'👏': 2, '😉': 2, '😘': 2},
          'cccc': {'☹': 5, '😆': 3, '🙂': 3},
          'dddd': {'🌝': 8, '😈': 7, '🤗': 3},
          'eeee': {'☺': 3, '😂': 5, '😔': 4},
          'ffff': {'☹': 5, '💞': 5, '😢': 5}}

Each 'aaaa' or 'bbbb' is the user's name, and his values is the emoji he is using the most.
I want to plot a decent looking graph to visualize.
After a few tries, this is my best work:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

with the code:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    def top_emoji(top):
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5))
        y = 9
        level = 0
        start = 9
        for name, dictionary in top.items():
            ax.text(start, y - level, name, fontsize=20)
            x = 3
            for emoj in dictionary.keys():
                ax.text(start - x, y - level, emoj, fontname='Segoe UI Emoji', fontsize=20)
                x += 1
            level += 1
        ax.axis([0, 10, 0, 10])

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Yt7W9.png

Which is terrible in my opinion. Any recommendations for improvements will be much appreciated.