Your code doesn't look Pythonic as your code does not follow [PEP 8](

-   A lot of PEP 8 is to do with whitespace; two newlines above and below top level class and function definitions, two spaces in front of an inline comment, a space always after a comma, a  single space either side of operators.
-   You're using `lowerTitleCase` rather than `snake_case` for functions and variable names.
-   You have a lot of unneeded parentheses making your code more dense.
-   You're inconsistent in your string delimiters.

A couple of these issues and given that you have a function named `hello_world` makes me think you've clearly taken the Flask code from the web.

You have also used comments rather than docstrings, [PEP 257](, to document your code.


Your server API doesn't seem too great:

-   All responses are 200 OK even in failure where some 400 codes would make sense. 
-   Your API doesn't have a common format to easily identify if a response was successful whether or not you're not using HTTP codes.

    Your error messages don't even have a common format or word.


In all your code at a short glance has a few red flags.