I'm trying to remove the `tmp/letter_opener` folder. Everything works fine, just wondering if there's a better way to write it. My next step is to write some tests, to double check that I can only accept those inputs (currently failing) #my_rake_task.rake namespace :cleanup do desc 'Deletes the emails inside tmp/letter_opener folder.' task letter_opener_emails: :environment do start_time = Time.current Rails.logger.info "Task starting at #{start_time}." puts "Task starting at #{start_time}." print 'About to remove the tmp/letter_opener folder. Press [Nn] to abort. Press [Yy] to continue.' option = STDIN.gets.strip case option #[FIXME]: Not deleting the folders when /[^Nn]/ then FileUtils.rm_r(Dir.glob('tmp/letter_opener/*')) puts 'Directory contents removed' when /[^Yy]/ then 'Exiting the task now.' # abort_message end end