Yes, use `namespace` and `resources`:

    namespace :oauth do
      resources :apps, controller: "applications", as: :applications

This is not 100% identical (the names of some of your routes have changed) but it is the way you *should* be building your routes, and you should change the rest of your app to reflect the change.

The primary difference is your names for the `create` and `destroy` routes have gone away; these routes *shouldn't have names anyways*. When you want to create/destroy a model, you should be using `oath_applications_path`, with  `method: :post` or `method: :delete`, not `oath_apps_new_path`/`destroy_oauth_application_path`.

My way also uses the correct verb (PUT) for updates.

Your `rake routes:`

           oauth_applications GET    /oauth/apps(.:format)             oauth/applications#index
        new_oauth_application GET    /oauth/apps/new(.:format)         oauth/applications#new
               oauth_apps_new POST   /oauth/apps/new(.:format)         oauth/applications#create
            oauth_application GET    /oauth/apps/:id(.:format)         oauth/applications#show
       edit_oauth_application GET    /oauth/apps/:id/edit(.:format)    oauth/applications#edit
                              POST   /oauth/apps/:id/edit(.:format)    oauth/applications#update
    destroy_oauth_application DELETE /oauth/apps/:id/destroy(.:format) oauth/applications#destroy

My `rake routes` (reordered to match yours):

        oauth_applications GET    /oauth/apps(.:format)          oauth/applications#index
     new_oauth_application GET    /oauth/apps/new(.:format)      oauth/applications#new
                           POST   /oauth/apps(.:format)          oauth/applications#create
         oauth_application GET    /oauth/apps/:id(.:format)      oauth/applications#show
    edit_oauth_application GET    /oauth/apps/:id/edit(.:format) oauth/applications#edit
                           PUT    /oauth/apps/:id(.:format)      oauth/applications#update
                           DELETE /oauth/apps/:id(.:format)      oauth/applications#destroy