First things first: your code reads nowhere near Python code. You should read into [PEP8]( to properly format it. Second, you should strive to avoid `global` as hard as you can as it easily make the code error-prone, hard to reason about, and hard to test. In your case, of the two global variables you use, `stopMessage` is read-only so it is much like a constant where the use of `global` is unnecessary. The second one, `statsMax` is trickier. For your simple use-case, it seems to work, but if you were to create a second player, `statsMax` would be 0 and it would be impossible. Instead, you should make it a parameter of some sort: the `__init__` method of the `stats` class seems a good starting point: class stats(statsStore): def __init__(self, max_points=26): ... self.max_points = max_points There is also the fragmentation of the source code into two files. Even though it is good to consider at some point to be able to group related functionnalities under a namespace, you have too few functionnalities for it to be usefull. It even lead to the duplication of the `stopMessage`. Keep it simple for now with a single file. The design of the `stats` class is also very fragile: the `statsFunc` method is not meant to be called outside of `statsList` and `statsList` itself _have_ to be called for the `stats` object to be considered initialized. This is the role of a simple function, maybe a [`classmethod`]( on the `statsStore` class itself. Moreover, `statsStore` is only there to be a collection of values: better use a [`namedtuple`]( here. One more thing that intrigues me is how you use some parameters. For instance `stat` in `statsFunc` or `Check` in `checkIn_List`. It is like you want to declare a variable before use, but you never do anything with the value passed as parameter. You don't need that. Just assign a value to a new name whenever you need a new variable, and don't pass unnecessary parameters around. Lastly, instead of putting tests at the end of the file, you should wrap them under an [`if __name__ == '__main__'`]( test so they don't get executed when you `import` your file (in a Python shell to test it, or in an other module). --- Proposed improvements: import sys from collections import namedtuple Statistics = namedtuple('Statistics', 'strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility, luck') def ask_for_value_in_list(prompt_message, *authorized_values): while True: value = input(prompt_message) word = ''.join(filter(str.isalpha, value)).lower() if word in authorized_values: return word if word == 'exit': raise ValueError('asked to exit') print('Only one of the following values is allowed:', authorized_values, file=sys.stderr) def ask_for_integer(prompt_message): while True: value = input(prompt_message) try: return int(value) except ValueError: if value.lower() == 'stop': raise print('An integer is required!', file=sys.stderr) def ask_for_stats(stat_name, max_points): message = '[{} points left] {} >>> '.format(max_points, stat_name) while True: value = ask_for_integer(message) if 1 <= value <= min(10, max_points): return value print('The provided value is out of bounds, try again.') def build_statistics(max_points=26): statistics = dict.fromkeys(Statistics._fields) for statistic in statistics: if not max_points: raise ValueError('character exhausted statistics points') value = ask_for_stats(statistic, max_points) max_points -= value statistics[statistic] = value return Statistics(**statistics) def main(): try: stats = build_statistics() except ValueError: print('Could not build statistics, aborting.', file=sys.stderr) else: print('Statistics collected:', stats) if __name__ == '__main__': main()