# Specification

A simple PHP script resizes images on-the-fly. The script is called by the web server's 404 handler to return a scaled version of the original. For example, if the original image is at:


Then valid requests for scaled versions include:


All requests maintain the aspect ratio. The first request scales to the image to 200px wide; the second scales the image to 200px high; the third request ensures neither the width nor height exceeds 200x200px.

This is similar to how Google Picasa works.

# Assumptions

The file names have been hashed prior to execution. The images are in a common format (e.g., JPEG, PNG, TIF, BMP, GIF).

# Questions

I am wondering:

 - What security holes are present?
 - How would you address them?
 - What optimizations are possible?

Other non-security criticisms are also welcome.

# Code

     * This file handles dynamically caching and resizing thumbnails. This
     * file is called when the web server encouters a 404 error on a thumbnail
     * image. The image is created and returned, which will prevent subsequent
     * 404s on that image. The file names must be formatted as:
     * <pre>
     *   filename-#x.ext
     *   filename-x#.ext
     *   filename-#x#.ext
     * </pre>
     * The examples specify: (1) width; (2) height; (3) width and height. The
     * aspect ratio is maintained.
     * For security purposes, only a specific set of dimensions are allowed.
    include 'WideImage/WideImage.php';
    // Limit the number of possible cached images (i.e., do not allow arbitrary
    // dimensions to create cached files).
    $ACCEPT_DIMENSIONS = array( 200, 1024, 2048, 4096 );
    // The "images" suffix comes from the URL.
    $IMAGES_DIRECTORY = "/home/data";
    $DIVIDER = "x";
     * Given an integer value, this will find its nearest value within an
     * array of values.
     * @param $needle The value whose nearest value is sought.
     * @param $haystack The valid values.
     * @return The value in $haystack that is nearest to $needle.
     * @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/5464961/59087
    function nearest( $needle, $haystack ) {
      $near = null;
      foreach( $haystack as $hay ) {
        if( $near == null || abs( $needle - $near ) > abs( $hay - $needle ) ) {
          $near = $hay;
      return $near;
     * Returns the minimum dimension of $dim_a or $dim_b such that the resulting
     * value is nearest to the acceptable array of dimensions.
     * @param $dim_a The first dimension for comparison.
     * @param $dim_b The second dimension for comparison.
     * @return The smaller of dim_a and dim_b evaluated to the nearest value
     * in the ACCEPT_DIMENSIONS array.
    function minimum( $dim_a, $dim_b ) {
      global $ACCEPT_DIMENSIONS;
      return nearest( min( $dim_a, $dim_b ), $ACCEPT_DIMENSIONS );
    // Separate the query string into its path parts (filename, directory, etc.).
    $path = pathinfo( $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] );
    // Get the filename without the extension.
    $filename = $path["filename"];
    // Get the path to the image (appended to $IMAGES_DIRECTORY).
    $dirname = $path["dirname"];
    // Get the image extension, which will be used when saving the scaled file.
    $extension = $path["extension"];
    // Locate the position of the last hyphen in the filename.
    $index = strpos( $filename, "-" );
    // When one hyphen is present, it indicates dimensions might be specified...
    if( $index > 1 && substr_count( $filename, "-", $index ) === 1  ) {
      // Grab the filename without the specified dimensions.
      $original_filename = substr( $filename, 0, $index );
      $dimensions = substr( $filename, $index + 1 );
      // If the x isn't present, ensure it will be parsed and used in the
      // output filename.
      if( strpos( $dimensions, $DIVIDER ) === false ) {
        $dimensions .= $DIVIDER;
        $filename .= $DIVIDER;
      // Split a maximum of 2 values: the width and height. The "x" is always
      // present.
      list( $width, $height ) = explode( $DIVIDER, $dimensions, 2 );
      // Ensure no funny stuff has happened with the numbers.
      $width = intval( $width );
      $height = intval( $height );
      // Determine the full path to the original file.
      $source = "$IMAGES_DIRECTORY$dirname/$original_filename.$extension";
      // Open the original image to scale to the given dimensions.
      $image = WideImage::load( $source );
      // Scaling cannot exceed original dimensions; the resize API requires
      // "null" values to maintain aspect ratios.
      // @see http://wideimage.sourceforge.net/
      $width = empty( $width ) ? null : minimum( $width, $image->getWidth() );
      $height = empty( $height ) ? null : minimum( $height, $image->getHeight() );
      // If the current URI differs from the sanitized URI then updates are needed.
      $sanitized = "$IMAGES_DIRECTORY$dirname/$original_filename-$width$DIVIDER$height.$extension";
      // Set to false when resizing and saving is not required.
      $update = true;
      // If the requested filename and the filename with acceptable dimensions
      // differ, then create the file with acceptable dimensions, provided it
      // does not already exist.
      if( $requested !== $sanitized ) {
        if( file_exists( $sanitized ) ) {
          // Load up the existing image for sending to the browser.
          $image = WideImage::load( $sanitized );
          // No need to resize or save.
          $update = false;
      if( $update ) {
        $image = $image->resize( $width, $height );
      $image->output( $extension );
      if( $update ) {
        // Save the file (so that the web server can find it next time). This
        // could fail silently, so prefer sending the image before saving it.
        $image->saveToFile( $sanitized );