I've created a second 'calculator-like' program, this time using the JOptionPane rather than typing in the console. At the moment the code looks to have a lot of repetition so I'm looking to simplify it; any advice and suggestions would be great! import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class SaveCalc { public static void main(String[] args) { //Text prompts to collect data String carCost = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the total cost of the car?"); String insCost = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What is the yearly cost of the insurance?"); String manCost = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How much would you like to save for maintenance?"); String saveMonth = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("How much will you be saving each month?"); //Converts string inputs to Doubles double carCostP = Double.parseDouble(carCost); double insCostP = Double.parseDouble(insCost); double manCostP = Double.parseDouble(manCost); double saveMonthP = Double.parseDouble(saveMonth); //Calculates the total cost and the months to save double costTotal = carCostP + insCostP + manCostP; double months = costTotal / saveMonthP; //Converts the months value to an integer int monthsP = (int) months; System.out.printf ("With a saving of \u00A3%5.2f each month and a total cost of \u00A3%5.2f it will take " + monthsP + " months to save up.",saveMonthP,costTotal); } }