This question is regarding my approach to the following implementation requirement. Can you suggest a better alternative that doesn't suffer from the issues I'll point out in my implementation? ##REQUIREMENT: Create an input field (View) that updates itself automatically whenever a specific property on the Model changes. * The input field should be generic (ie: it should work for any Model, and any appropriately typed property) * The Parent View that holds the Field should not be responsible for updating the field when the Model changes * The programming language is ActionScript, which is a strongly typed EMCAScript variant. I'm not sure whether this is relevant, since this question doesn't deal with code directly. ##MY SOLUTION: Model implements an Interface that defines the following methods: * `registerInput()`: the Field registers itself with the model and indicates which properties it wants to monitor * `unregisterInput()`: for cleanup /gc purposes * `updateInputField()`: the Field can update the model when the user interacts with it Input Field implements an Interface that defines the following method: * `updateField()`: the Model can call this on any registered Field, when a monitored property changes The Input Field is instantiated by the Parent View (that has a reference to the Model), by providing it with the Model instance (typed to the Interface) and the NAME (String) of the property on the Model we're want to monitor. ## ISSUES: This solution works well, but there are two issues, both dealing with the fact that the Model's property is passed _as a string_, which means the IDE can't use autosuggest or type checking. 1. The Parent View passes the Model property **as a string**. So if there's a typo, we'll only find out about it at runtime, and we have to copy-and-paste it from the Model's function definition. 2. The Model updates the Field by passing the property **as a string**, with similar drawbacks. 3. The value of the property can't be typed for the IDE. ##Code: ###ILiveModel public interface ILiveModel { function registerLiveListener(liveListener:ILiveListener, fields:Array):Array; function unregisterLiveListener(liveListener:ILiveListener):void ; function updateLiveField(fieldName:String, newValue:*):void; function getLiveFieldValue(fieldName:String):*; } ###ILiveListener public interface ILiveListener { function updateLiveField(field:String, value:*):void; } ###ILiveModel implementation public class KioskModel extends EventDispatcher implements ILiveModel { private var _termsAndConditionsAgree:Boolean = false; protected var _liveListeners:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true); protected var _monitoredFields:Object = { }; public function get termsAndConditionsAgree():Boolean { return _termsAndConditionsAgree; } public function set termsAndConditionsAgree(agree:Boolean):void { _termsAndConditionsAgree = agree; updateRegisteredLiveListeners("termsAndConditionsAgree"); } public function registerLiveListener(liveListener:ILiveListener, fields:Array):Array { var monitoredFieldListeners:Array; var fieldValues:Array = []; trace("<o> Registering ", liveListener, " to watch ", fields); // Register the input in the Dictionary, so we can unregister its fields when asked to _liveListeners[liveListener] = fields; // For each field we've been asked to monitor, add the input, unless it's already watching that field for each(var field:String in fields) { if (! field in this) { throw new ArgumentError("Cannot register Listener Field '" + field + "' on model " + this + ": property or method does not exist"); } monitoredFieldListeners = _monitoredFields[field]; if (monitoredFieldListeners && monitoredFieldListeners.length) { if (monitoredFieldListeners.indexOf(liveListener == -1)) { monitoredFieldListeners.push(liveListener); _monitoredFields[field] = monitoredFieldListeners; } } else { _monitoredFields[field] = [liveListener]; } fieldValues.push(getLiveFieldValue(field)); } // Return an array of all the values we're watching, for convenience. return fieldValues; } public function unregisterLiveListener(liveListener:ILiveListener):void { var monitoredFields:Array = _liveListeners[liveListener]; var monitoredFieldListeners:Array; var fieldIndex:int; trace("<-> Unregistering ", liveListener); if (monitoredFields) { for each (var field:String in monitoredFields) { monitoredFieldListeners = _monitoredFields[field]; if (monitoredFieldListeners && monitoredFieldListeners.length) { fieldIndex = monitoredFieldListeners.indexOf(liveListener); if (fieldIndex != -1) { monitoredFieldListeners.splice(fieldIndex, 1); if (monitoredFieldListeners.length){ _monitoredFields[field] = monitoredFieldListeners; } else { delete _monitoredFields[field]; } } } } } delete _liveListeners[liveListener]; } public function updateLiveField(fieldName:String, newValue:*):void { if (fieldName in this) { this[fieldName] = newValue; } else { throw new ArgumentError("Cannot update Listener Field '" + fieldName + "' on model " + this + ": property or method is not valid."); } } public function getLiveFieldValue(fieldName:String):* { if (fieldName in this) { return (this[fieldName]); } else { throw new ArgumentError("Listener Field '" + fieldName + "' in " + this + " is not a valid property or method"); } } protected function updateRegisteredLiveListeners(fieldName:String) { var liveListeners:Array = _monitoredFields[fieldName]; if (liveListeners) { for each (var liveListener:ILiveListener in liveListeners) { liveListener.updateLiveField(fieldName, this[fieldName]); } } } } ###ILiveListener implementation public class InputRadioButtonView extends AssetView implements ILiveListener { private const LABEL_OFF = 'off'; private const LABEL_ON = 'on'; protected var _model:ILiveModel; protected var _modelProperty:String; protected var _value:Boolean; public function InputRadioButtonView(assetClip:*, model:ILiveModel, modelProperty:String, disabled:Boolean=false, localizableTextFieldName:String="label") { super(assetClip, disabled, localizableTextFieldName); _model = model; _modelProperty = modelProperty; } public function updateLiveField(field:String, value:*):void { updateClip(); } /** * Be sure the clip accurately reflects the current value, every time we switch to its screen. */ override public function setupBeforeLocalize():void { updateClip(); super.setupBeforeLocalize(); } override public function activate() { var values:Array; if (activatable) { clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick, false, 0, true); values = _model.registerLiveListener(this, [_modelProperty]); DebugUtils.print_r(values); } super.activate(); } override public function deactivate() { if (deactivatable) { clip.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); _model.unregisterLiveListener(this); } super.deactivate(); } /** * Attempts to update the clip, and lets you know if it was successful or not. * @return */ protected function updateClip():Boolean { // Stash the value for convenience _value = _model.getLiveFieldValue(_modelProperty); if (clip){ if (_value) { movieClip.gotoAndStop(LABEL_ON); } else { movieClip.gotoAndStop(LABEL_OFF); } return true; } return false; } protected function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void { _model.updateLiveField(_modelProperty, ! _value); } } ###Parent View implementation public class HowThisWorksBox extends ContentAssetView { private var _kioskModel:KioskModel; public function HowThisWorksBox(clip:*, disabled:Boolean = false) { super(clip, ["heading", "body"], disabled); } override protected function defineFlexItems(parentItem:FlexItem = null):FlexItem { _kioskModel = KioskModel.getInstance(); return super.defineFlexItems(parentItem) .chainAsset(new ButtonAssetView("terms_button", ["label"], onTermsButtonClicked)) .chainAsset(new InputRadioButtonView("agree_button", _kioskModel, "termsAndConditionsAgree")); } private function onTermsButtonClicked():void { screen.router.setScreen("main__terms"); } } Leverages the [Kestrel][1] mobile development framework - which defines the superclasses of this View. [1]: