In an MSSQL database, I have automatically increasing IDs for every entry. 
Is it safe to acquire the ID of the newly inserted entry like this? I am worried that, if at the exact same time another entry gets inserted, I could end up with the wrong ID.

    string query = "INSERT INTO subscriptions (polygon,...) VALUES (@polygon,...)";
                        SqlDataAdapter cmd = new SqlDataAdapter();  
                        using (SqlCommand querySaveSubscription = new SqlCommand(query))
                            querySaveSubscription.Connection = openCon;
                            // Create Poly out of given geodata values
                            var point = SqlGeography.Point(Double.Parse(lat), Double.Parse(lon), 4326);
                            SqlGeography poly = point.BufferWithTolerance(Double.Parse(radius) * 1000, 0.01, true);
                            var param = new SqlParameter(@"polygon", poly);
                            param.UdtTypeName = "Geography";

I have the following c# code directly after my INSERT INTO - query getting executed:

                        query = "SELECT ID FROM subscriptions ORDER BY ID DESC";
                        SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, openCon);
                        SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

                        int id = reader.GetInt32(0);

                        result.Add("success", "true");

                        result.Add("id", id.ToString());