This is different from classic LIS problem. Here I want number of contigious longest increasing subsequences! For Example: INPUT : arr[] = { 3, 6, 10, 8, 11, 17, 16, 100 } OUTPUT: 2 Explanation: There are 2 longest contigious subsequences -> { 3, 6, 10 } and { 8, 11, 17 } Here is a function that I have made to achieve the task.But is their any optimized way instead of this brute force approach? ``` #define ll long long int ll longestIncSeq(vector<ll> temp, ll n) { ll count=0,mymax = -1,flag=0,dummy=0; while( (flag==0) && (!(temp.empty())) ) { ll max = 1, len = 1, maxIndex = 0; for (ll i=1; i<n; i++) { if (temp[i] > temp[i-1]) len++; else { if (max < len) { max = len; maxIndex = i - max; } len = 1; } } if (max < len) { max = len; maxIndex = n - max; } if( max == 1 ) { return count; } if( (mymax == max) || (dummy==0) ) { count++; dummy++; } else { flag = 1; } temp.erase(temp.begin()+maxIndex , temp.begin()+maxIndex+max); mymax = max; n = temp.size(); } return count; } ```