[FizzBuzz](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/61416/23788) was fun, and I got great feedback and learned a few things (which I hope I put in practice here), but only scratched the surface. I wanted to explore the LOLCODE language a bit more, so I implemented a little *rock-paper-scissors*, to play with functions, parameters, return values.. and user input. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to get [compileonline](http://www.compileonline.com/execute_lolcode_online.php) to take more than a single value through STDIN, so I dropped the idea of making a `GAEMLOOPZ` and only made it a single round. Also AFAICT there's no way of generating random numbers in LOLCODE ([specs](http://lolcode.org/1.2_spec.html)), so the LOLCAT always wins - it even has a *seekrit* move for invalid inputs! HAI 1.2 I HAS A CHEEZ ITZ "CHEEZ" BTW "ROCK" I HAS A BURGR ITZ "BURGR" BTW "PAPER" I HAS A WAFLZ ITZ "WAFLZ" BTW "SCISSORS" I HAS A SEEKRITMOOV ITZ "ZPOCK" BTW SHH, SEEKRIT HOW IZ I GETAMOOV VISIBLE "WHAT U PLAY?" VISIBLE "[C]HEEZ [B]URGR [W]AFLZ" I HAS A MOOV GIMMEH MOOV MOOV R I IZ VALID8MOOV YR MOOV MKAY FOUND YR MOOV IF U SAY SO HOW IZ I VALID8MOOV YR MOOV MOOV, WTF? OMG "C", OMG "c" MOOV R CHEEZ GTFO OMG "B", OMG "b" MOOV R BURGR GTFO OMG "W", OMG "w" MOOV R WAFLZ GTFO OMGWTF ANY OF BOTH SAEM MOOV AN "ZPOCK" AN BOTH SAEM MOOV AN "zpock" MKAY O RLY? YA RLY, MOOV R SEEKRITMOOV NO WAI MOOV R SMOOSH "... WUTS " AN MOOV AN " ANYWAI" MKAY OIC OIC FOUND YR MOOV IF U SAY SO HOW IZ I PIKAMOOV YR MOOV I HAS A ULTIMAETMOOV MOOV, WTF? OMG "CHEEZ" BTW must be a constant value :( ULTIMAETMOOV R BURGR GTFO OMG "BURGR" BTW must be a constant value :( ULTIMAETMOOV R WAFLZ GTFO OMG "WAFLZ" BTW must be a constant value :( ULTIMAETMOOV R CHEEZ GTFO OMG "ZPOCK" BTW must be a constant value :( ULTIMAETMOOV R "Y U CHEAT? I" GTFO OMGWTF ULTIMAETMOOV R SEEKRITMOOV OIC FOUND YR ULTIMAETMOOV IF U SAY SO HOW IZ I WINTEHGAEM YR MOOV AN YR ULTIMAETMOOV VISIBLE SMOOSH "Y U PLAY " AN MOOV MKAY VISIBLE SMOOSH "MAH " AN ULTIMAETMOOV AN " WINZ LOL" MKAY IF U SAY SO OBTW was going to make a GAEMLOOP, but stupidly I can't seem to figure out how to pass multiple values to STDIN with this "IDE"... so this program will only run a single round. TLDR HOW IZ I PLAYAMOOV I HAS A MOOV MOOV R I IZ GETAMOOV MKAY I HAS A ULTIMAETMOOV ULTIMAETMOOV R I IZ PIKAMOOV YR MOOV MKAY I IZ WINTEHGAEM YR MOOV AN YR ULTIMAETMOOV MKAY IF U SAY SO VISIBLE "CHEEZ-BURGR-WAFLZ:)" I IZ PLAYAMOOV MKAY KTHXBYE --- ###Outputs Input: `c` or `C` > CHEEZ-BURGR-WAFLZ > > WHAT U PLAY? > [C]HEEZ [B]URGR [W]AFLZ > Y U PLAY CHEEZ > MAH BURGR WINZ LOL Input: `b` or `B` > CHEEZ-BURGR-WAFLZ > > WHAT U PLAY? > [C]HEEZ [B]URGR [W]AFLZ > Y U PLAY BURGR > MAH WAFLZ WINZ LOL Input: `w` or `W` > CHEEZ-BURGR-WAFLZ > > WHAT U PLAY? > [C]HEEZ [B]URGR [W]AFLZ > Y U PLAY WAFLZ > MAH CHEEZ WINZ LOL Input: `zzz` ..or pretty much anything else: > CHEEZ-BURGR-WAFLZ > > WHAT U PLAY? > [C]HEEZ [B]URGR [W]AFLZ > Y U PLAY ... WUTS zzz ANYWAI > MAH ZPOCK WINZ LOL Input: `zpock` or `ZPOCK` > CHEEZ-BURGR-WAFLZ > > WHAT U PLAY? > [C]HEEZ [B]URGR [W]AFLZ > Y U PLAY ZPOCK > MAH Y U CHEAT? I WINZ LOL --- I don't like that I'm hard-coding the strings in the `WTF` (switch) block in `VALID8MOOV`, but I don't think it's possible to extract just the first letter of a `YARN` (string)... or is it? Also there doesn't seem to be a way of defining compile-time constants, so I had to put literal strings in `PIKAMOOV` as well.