I am a high-school freshman who is kinda new to Ruby, and I am doing a small project on Ruby. One of the big things that I want to get out of this project is how to follow the "Ruby standards" that programmers should follow. Being as new as I am, I have no clue what I should/shouldn't do with this program. Can anybody tell me what I could do to improve it to fit the community's standards? require 'tk' $point_A = [0,0] $point_B = [750,750] $rate = 1.5 $i=0 circs=Array.new def before_drawing() $point_A = [] temp_a = $point_B[0]**1/$rate temp_b = $point_B[1]**1/$rate $point_A << temp_a $point_A << temp_b end def after_drawing() $point_B = [] $point_B = $point_A end canvas = TkCanvas.new(:width=>800, :height=>800).pack('fill' => 'both', 'expand'=>true) while $i<10 do before_drawing() circs[$i] = TkcOval.new(canvas, $point_A, $point_B) if $i%2==0 then circs[$i][:fill] = 'blue' else circs[$i][:fill] = 'red' end after_drawing() $i+=1 end Tk.mainloop