Here are some tips:

- The name of the function should be clearer.
- Try to avoid `ctype_digit` usage, because it may produce unexpected results - `ctype_digit(42)` returns `FALSE`.
- Because you are working with integers, you should cast values to integers. Note that inputs are always strings.
- You must check for negative values as well.
- Second can be 0. For example: 2 min and 0 sec. Also, some songs can last less than a minute (classic songs)
- Consider that some CD songs may have a duration of more than 60 mins, CD medium can store 80 mins (and it can be one song), and some mix or classic songs. So, maybe you should avoid a minute check.

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    $warning = array();
     * Validate song duration
     * @param $min
     * @param $sec
     * @param $required
     * @return int|NULL
    function validate_duration($min, $sec, $required = false) {
        global $warning;
        $min = (int) $min;
        $sec = (int) $sec;
        if($required && $min == 0 && $sec == 0) {
            $warning['duration'] = "The duration is a required field.";
            return NULL;
        if($sec < 0 OR $sec > 59) {
            $warning['sec'] = 'The seconds must be between 0 and 59';
        if($min < 0 OR $min > 60) {
            $warning['min'] = 'The minutes must be between 0 and 60';
        // for songs bigger then 60 minutes
        if($min == 60 && $sec > 0) {
            $warning['duration'] = "Song must last more then one second and maximum 60 minutes.";
        return !empty($warning) ? $min * 60 + $sec : NULL;