Correct usage of `snprintf` involves very long and repetitive lines:

if (snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), format, ...) >= (int)sizeof(buff))
		goto err;

I first encapsulated this macro: `#define SSIZEOF(x) ((ssize_t)sizeof(x))`.  The result is I now have a slightly shorter line:

if (snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), format, ...) >= SSIZEOF(buff))
		goto err;

But I'm not yet happy.  Writing `sizeof` twice is still very long and annoying, and more if the buffer has a relatively long name.

I decided to do a macro that behaves this way (with the same exact safety) (The `b` in the name stands for buffer):

if (sbprintf(buff, format, ...))
		goto err;

It needs to be a macro to avoid the array decaying to a pointer, so that I can still use `sizeof(buff)` inside the macro.

 ******* include guard ********************************************************

 ******* headers **************************************************************
#include <stdio.h>

#include "libalx/base/assert/assert.h"
#include "libalx/base/compiler/size.h"

 ******* macros ***************************************************************
/* int	sbprintf(char buff[restrict], const char *restrict format, ...); */
#define sbprintf(buff, format, ...)		(								\
{																		\
		alx_static_assert_array(buff);									\
		snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), format, ##__VA_ARGS__) >= SSIZEOF(buff) \
}																		\

 ******* include guard ********************************************************
#endif		/* libalx/base/stdio/sbprintf.h */

Used macros (defined in other headers from my library (libalx)):

#include <assert.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#define alx_same_type(a, b) __builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(a), typeof(b))

#define alx_static_assert_array(a)		do								\
{																		\
		static_assert(!alx_same_type((a), &(a)[0]), "Not an array!");	\
} while (0)

#define SSIZEOF(x)		((ssize_t)sizeof(x))

I use GCC8 and C17 (`gcc -std=gnu17 -Wall -Wextra -Werror`), but if there is any easy and not very ugly fix that helps portability, it is welcome.  The same about C++:  This is about C (I'll ask the same question about C++ after this one has been answered), but if there is any fix that would improve compatibility with C++, it is also welcome.

What do you think about `sbprintf`?  Feel free to comment the other macros, of course!


The actual name of the macro in my library is `alx_sbprintf` to avoid using a name that may end up being used by a future implementation.


Related links:

 - [How to make a variadic macro (variable number of arguments)][1]
