- `getValue(str)` is such a vague name for the function and its parameter, it could mean anything! Furthermore, "get" implies that this is a getter function that retrieves something, which is not the case. - Your regex is ineffective. Capturing parentheses could be useful, but you didn't actually use them right, such that you ended up having to pass a dirty string to `parseInt()` and extract the last character the harder way. - You neglected to scope `match`, such that it acts as a global variable. The regex-matching statement is written twice; the assignment could be done within the loop condition instead. - The `if` statements should be an if-else chain, since the conditions are mutually exclusive. However, since the branches are all so similar, a lookup table would be more elegant. <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: null --> <!-- language: lang-js --> function durationSeconds(timeExpr) { var units = {'h': 3600, 'm': 60, 's': 1}; var regex = /(\d+)([hms])/g; let seconds = 0; var match; while ((match = regex.exec(timeExpr))) { seconds += parseInt(match[1]) * units[match[2]]; } return seconds; } console.log( durationSeconds("4h12m32s") ); <!-- end snippet --> Alternatively, if you expect that the units will be in the conventional order, you don't have to loop at all. <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: null --> <!-- language: lang-js --> function durationSeconds(timeExpr) { var match = /^(?:(\d+)h)?(?:(\d+)m)?(?:(\d+)s)$/.exec(timeExpr); return 3600 * (parseInt(match[1]) || 0) + 60 * (parseInt(match[2]) || 0) + (parseInt(match[3]) || 0); } console.log( durationSeconds("4h32s") ); <!-- end snippet -->