Four years, 1400 views, and two dozen upvotes before a review on a site dedicated to code reviews points toward unreviewability as a prominent feature of the code. What hinders reviewability is, I think, the high level of cognitive load the code places on anyone reading it. 

1. The cognitive load begins at the top level. Merge-sort is a well documented algorithm. Like many people interested in programming, I wrote an implementation for an algorithms class. It makes a good assignment because the details are non-trivial (and discovering those details was serious work seventy years ago when the John Von-Neumann for which computings Von-Neumann Architecture is named, did serious? one might ask and the answer would be Manhattan Project serious). I imagine I'm like some other people in that I've forgotten the ins and outs of my implementation and recycled whatever synapses were storing the pseudo-code to something else. For me, merge-sort is vaguely familiar in a sort of \$\mathcal{O}(n\log n)\$ sort of way since that's the fact that's most likely to be relevant at the `sorting` level of abstraction.

2. For the purposes of this review, I'll say that the next level down is the top level of the implementation. Here the question claims a clever implementation detail: calculating the length of the list only once. I don't recall how my implementation calculated length or whether it did...I think I used vectors/arrays rather than lists [I wrote it in either Clojure or Racket]. Anyway, being clever makes the code harder to review.

3. At the next level down, the structure induces additional cognitive load. At best the mixture of `define` and `let/let*` is inconsistent style. At worst, the `let`'s just make for less readable code of the sort that made nested `define`'s worth implementing in Scheme itself.

4. Finally, there's variable names. 


1. Help the reader by commenting the code. Don't require expertise in merge-sort as a pre-requisite to understanding. Consider using something like the [HtDP Program Recipe][1] as a starting point. Explain the algorithm and use the terms of that explanation in the implementation.  

2. I'm reminded of Kernighan's Lever: *Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?* Looking at the code, it isn't obvious where the innovation is implemented. Even after I obtain some level of merge-sort knowledge, I still have detective work to understand the innovation. Make the innovation explicit.

3. Make everything explicit using `define` rather than `let/let*` the syntax is better and the high level concepts can be articulated together rather than mixed in among the implementation details, e.g. `merge` can be defined alongside `truthy=?`, `mid`, etc.

4. There's no need to name parameters/variables using the criteria for minified JavaScript. `l` and `r` might be abstractions 'left' and 'right' but left and right are not abstractions that are explicit in the code. It's only via research that a reader might possibly make the connection.

A bit more on Item *2*: If performance is a concern the question of why lists and parameter passing  rather than vectors or some other data structure seems relevant. Going further, benchmarking is probably the best justification for added complexity:

> Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered. We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%. 

Fast sorting seems to be a place where using an FFI is the road to meaningful improvement for interestingly sized data.
