The code that I am sharing here for you to review today, is a segment of a JavaScript library that I am going to write as time goes by for fun. It is only the two functions in the following code:

    /*jslint browser: true, indent: 8 */
    /*global console */

            Sorts matrix like from something like this:
                            [0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 2, 1],
                            [0, 1, 3],
                            [1, 2, 3],
                            [0, 0, 3]
            to this:
                            [1, 2, 3],
                            [0, 1, 3],
                            [0, 2, 1],
                            [0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 0],
                            [0, 0, 3]

            The reason why the [0, 0, 3] is last is because
            the vector has the length of 3, so only
            3 vectors are sorted and the rest (irrelevent vectors) are appended
    function sort_reduced_matrix(matrix) {
            'use strict';
            var i, j, len, has_pivot, irrelevant, positions, new_matrix, count;

            len       = {};
            len.i     = matrix.length;    // matrix length (row)
            len.j     = matrix[0].length; // vector length (column)
            positions = [];

            has_pivot = [];

            // Find pivot positions
            for (j = 0; j < len.j; j += 1) {
                    for (i = 0; i < len.i; i += 1) {
                            if (matrix[i][j] === 1 && has_pivot[i] !== i) {
                                    has_pivot[i] = i;
                                    positions[positions.length] = i;

            irrelevant = [];
            count      = 0;

            // Find irrelevant vectors positions
            for (i = 0; i < len.i; i += 1) {
                    if (has_pivot[i] === undefined) {
                            irrelevant[count] = i;
                            count += 1;

            new_matrix = [];
            count      = 0;

            // Sort positions
            for (i = 0; i < len.i; i += 1) {
                    if (matrix[positions[i]] !== undefined) {
                            new_matrix[i] = matrix[positions[i]];
                    } else {
                            new_matrix[i] = matrix[irrelevant[count]];
                            count += 1;

            return new_matrix;

    function reduced_row_echolon_form(matrix) {
            'use strict';
            var i, p, tmp, len, mu, mv;

            len = {}; // Length.
            i   = {}; // Increment.
            tmp = {}; // Temporary holder.
            p   = {}; // Position.

            len.r   = matrix.length;    // Row, length.
            len.c   = matrix[0].length; // column, length.

            i.r  = 0; // Row, increment.
            i.r2 = 0; // Row2, increment.
            i.c  = 0; // Column, increment.

            tmp.v = []; // Vector, temporary holder.
            tmp.p = 0;  // pivot value.

            p.lp  = 0;  // Lead pivot, position.
            p.rpd = []; // Reserved positions direct, position.

             // Find lead pivots in matrix.
            for (i.r = 0; i.r < len.r; i.r += 1) {

                    p.lp = null;
                    // Get lead pivot position.
                    for (i.c = 0; i.c < len.c; i.c += 1) {
                            /* If position is not reserved nor is zero, then that is
                             * our leading pivot. */
                            if (matrix[i.r][i.c] !== 0 && p.rpd[i.c] === undefined) {
                                    p.lp = i.c;

                    if (p.lp !== null) {
                            // Reserve lead pivot position.
                            p.rpd[p.lp] = p.lp;
                            // Reduce row such that the pivot is 1.
                            if (matrix[i.r][p.lp] !== 1) {
                                    tmp.p = matrix[i.r][p.lp];
                                    for (i.c = 0; i.c < len.c; i.c += 1) {
                                            matrix[i.r][i.c] /= tmp.p;
                            /* Reduce other rows (i.r2) from row (i.r). */
                            for (i.r2 = 0; i.r2 < len.r; i.r2 += 1) {
                                    /* Skip row (i.r) and don't reduce if desired
                                     * value is already zero. */
                                    if (i.r2 !== i.r && matrix[i.r2][p.lp] !== 0) {
                                            /* Scale row (i.r) using pivot position
                                             * from row (i.r2) as the multiplier. */
                                            for (i.c = 0; i.c < len.c; i.c += 1) {
                                                    tmp.v[i.c] = matrix[i.r][i.c];
                                                    tmp.v[i.c] *= matrix[i.r2][p.lp];
                                            // Row reduction.
                                            for (i.c = 0; i.c < len.c; i.c += 1) {
                                                    matrix[i.r2][i.c] -= tmp.v[i.c];
            // Finally, we sort our rows, keeping zeros at the bottom and return.
            return sort_reduced_matrix(matrix);

    // Compere this to answers.

    // answer:{{5%2C+-7%2C+-8%2C+-4}%2C{2%2C+8%2C+-22%2C+-55}%2C+{-3%2C+0%2C+-36%2C+12}}
    var matrix = [
            [5, -7, -8, -4],
            [2, 8, -22, -55],
            [-3, 0, -36, 12]

    matrix = reduced_row_echolon_form(matrix);


    // answer:{{5%2C+-23%2C+2%2C+4%2C+5%2C+11}%2C{4%2C+-3%2C+6%2C+4%2C+5%2C+2}%2C{3%2C+7%2C+-18%2C+7%2C+9%2C+-6}%2C{4%2C+87%2C+-12%2C+7%2C+12%2C+6}%2C{5%2C+4%2C+7%2C+11%2C+7%2C+-7}}
    matrix = [
            [5, -23, 2, 4, 5, 11],
            [4, -3, 6, 4, 5, 2],
            [3, 7, -18, 7, 9, -6],
            [4, 87, -12, 7, 12, 6],
            [5, 4, 7, 11, 7, -7]

    matrix = reduced_row_echolon_form(matrix);

    // answer:{{1%2C+2%2C+2%2C+2}%2C{1%2C+3%2C+3%2C+3}%2C+{1%2C+4%2C+16%2C+5}}
    matrix = [
            [1, 2, 2, 2],
            [1, 3, 3, 3],
            [1, 4, 16, 5]

    matrix = reduced_row_echolon_form(matrix);

    // answer:{{0%2C+2%2C+-1%2C+-6}%2C{0%2C+3%2C+-2%2C+-16}%2C+{0%2C+0%2C+-3%2C+11}}
    matrix = [
            [0, 2, -1, -6],
            [0, 3, -2, -16],
            [0, 0, -3, 11]

    matrix = reduced_row_echolon_form(matrix);

Is there something...

1. that I am doing in these two functions that you would consider as a bad practice and why?
2. that would explain why the code is slower than it needs to be?
3. that is just bad in some other way?

I am not working as a programmer and I don't know anyone who makes a living as a programmer, so any hint or tips would be welcome.