### Choose the right types

You used `double` for the coin types, for example:

>     System.out.println("How many quarters do you have?");
>     double quarters = keyboard.nextDouble();
>     quarters = quarters * (0.25);

To the question "how many quarters ...",
it's logical to get an integer (whole number) as the answer, not a `double`.

I can guess that you choose the `double` type because you want to use the `quarters` variable for two different purposes:

- Count the quarters
- Count the dollar value of the quarters

These are conflicting meanings, and the right thing to do is to not mix them,
for example:

    int quarters = keyboard.nextInt();
    double dollarValueOfQuarters = quarters * .25;

### Choose the right names

The name `HW3_DollarValuOfCoinsInvestmentCompoundedAnnually` is not great.
For one thing, class names in Java should use `CamelCase`,
which is violated by the `_` there.

The current name includes the 2 purposes used in the class:

1. Calculate the dollar value of coins
2. Calculate the compound interest

Since these are completely different things,
either split the class into 2 separate classes,
or give it a more generic name.

### The Single Responsibility Principle

The `main` is doing too much: it has too many responsibilities:

1. Calculate the dollar value of coins
2. Calculate the compound interest

It would be better to split the method into, and give them a name according to their main responsibility, for example:

    private static void calculateDollarValueOfCoins(Scanner scanner, NumberFormat moneyFormat) { ... }

    private static void calculateCompoundInterest(Scanner scanner, NumberFormat moneyFormat) { ... }

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        NumberFormat moneyFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

        calculateDollarValueOfCoins(scanner, moneyFormat);
        calculateCompoundInterest(scanner, moneyFormat);

Now the responsibilities are clearly separated.
I also renamed some variables to better match their purposes:

- `scanner` instead of `keyboard`, because you don't really "scan" things from a keyboard. A scanner is a more abstract concept than a keyboard: for all you care, the input values could come as radio signals from the moon, as long as it implements the Scanner's API, your method can work.
- `moneyFormat` instead of `priceFormat`, which works for both responsibilities nicely: the dollar value of your coins is certainly not a "price", and the worth of your investment is not *exactly* a "price". They are both about money, and formatting money, so this more general name seems appropriate.

### Modeling coins

It might be a good idea to model coins using an enum:

    enum Coin {

        private final double value;

        Coin(double value) {
            this.value = value;

And to add a helper class for adding coins:

    private static class CoinAdder {
        private double value = 0;

        CoinAdder addCoins(Coin coin, int number) {
            value += coin.value * number;
            return this;

        public double getValue() {
            return value;

This way, the `calculateDollarValueOfCoins` method I suggested above can be implemented in a somewhat more natural way,
and without embedding the dollar value of coins in it:

    private static void calculateDollarValueOfCoins(Scanner scanner, NumberFormat moneyFormat) {
        System.out.println("How many quarters do you have?");
        int quarters = scanner.nextInt();

        System.out.println("How many dimes do you have?");
        int dimes = scanner.nextInt();

        System.out.println("How many nickles do you have?");
        int nickles = scanner.nextInt();

        double total = new CoinAdder()
                .addCoins(Coin.QUARTER, quarters)
                .addCoins(Coin.DIME, dimes)
                .addCoins(Coin.NICKLE, nickles)
        System.out.println("You have: " + moneyFormat.format(total));

Now we have separated the responsibilities even further:
`calculateDollarValueOfCoins` doesn't know anymore the value of the different types of coins, and it doesn't know how to add them.
Those responsibilities are delegated to the `Coin` enum and the `CoinAdder` class,
which is a good thing.

### Quick tips

Instead of this:

>     quarters = quarters * (0.25);


    quarters *= 0.25;

You can write `0.25` as `.25`.

You can write `5.` instead of `(double) 5`.

### Suggested implementation

Putting the above suggestions together, something like this would be better:

    class InterestCalculator {
        enum Coin {
            private final double value;
            Coin(double value) {
                this.value = value;
        private static class CoinAdder {
            private double value = 0;
            CoinAdder addCoins(Coin coin, int number) {
                value += coin.value * number;
                return this;
            public double getValue() {
                return value;
        private static void calculateDollarValueOfCoins(Scanner scanner, NumberFormat moneyFormat) {
            System.out.println("How many quarters do you have?");
            int quarters = scanner.nextInt();
            System.out.println("How many dimes do you have?");
            int dimes = scanner.nextInt();
            System.out.println("How many nickles do you have?");
            int nickles = scanner.nextInt();
            double total = new CoinAdder()
                    .addCoins(Coin.QUARTER, quarters)
                    .addCoins(Coin.DIME, dimes)
                    .addCoins(Coin.NICKLE, nickles)
            System.out.println("You have: " + moneyFormat.format(total));
        private static void calculateCompoundInterest(Scanner scanner, NumberFormat moneyFormat) {
            System.out.println("What is the initial investment?");
            double investment = scanner.nextDouble();
            System.out.println("At what intrest rate is the intrest compounded annually?");
            double intrestRate = scanner.nextDouble();
            double futureValueFive = investment * Math.pow(1 + intrestRate, 5.);
            System.out.println("In five years the investment will be worth : " + moneyFormat.format(futureValueFive));
            double futureValueTen = investment * Math.pow(1 + intrestRate, 10.);
            System.out.println("In ten years the investment will be worth : " + moneyFormat.format(futureValueTen));
            double futureValueTwenty = investment * Math.pow(1 + intrestRate, 20.);
            System.out.println("In twenty years the investment will be worth : " + moneyFormat.format(futureValueTwenty));
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
            NumberFormat moneyFormat = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
            calculateDollarValueOfCoins(scanner, moneyFormat);
            calculateCompoundInterest(scanner, moneyFormat);