I'm trying to work with some encryption/decryption of data. It was some hard work for me to get it working with some buffers and what not. 

This is the code I came up with:

    public static string Encrypt(string dataToEncrypt, byte[] publicKeyInfo)
        //// Our bytearray to hold all of our data after the encryption
        byte[] encryptedBytes = new byte[0];
        using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
                var encoder = new UTF8Encoding();

                byte[] encryptThis = encoder.GetBytes(dataToEncrypt);

                //// Importing the public key

                int blockSize = (rsa.KeySize / 8) - 32;

                //// buffer to write byte sequence of the given block_size
                byte[] buffer = new byte[blockSize];

                byte[] encryptedBuffer = new byte[blockSize];

                //// Initializing our encryptedBytes array to a suitable size, depending on the size of data to be encrypted
                encryptedBytes = new byte[encryptThis.Length + blockSize - (encryptThis.Length % blockSize) + 32];

                for (int i = 0; i < encryptThis.Length; i += blockSize)
                    //// If there is extra info to be parsed, but not enough to fill out a complete bytearray, fit array for last bit of data
                    if (2 * i > encryptThis.Length && ((encryptThis.Length - i) % blockSize != 0))
                        buffer = new byte[encryptThis.Length - i];
                        blockSize = encryptThis.Length - i;

                    //// If the amount of bytes we need to decrypt isn't enough to fill out a block, only decrypt part of it
                    if (encryptThis.Length < blockSize)
                        buffer = new byte[encryptThis.Length];
                        blockSize = encryptThis.Length;

                    //// encrypt the specified size of data, then add to final array.
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(encryptThis, i, buffer, 0, blockSize);
                    encryptedBuffer = rsa.Encrypt(buffer, false);
                    encryptedBuffer.CopyTo(encryptedBytes, i);
            catch (CryptographicException e)
                //// Clear the RSA key container, deleting generated keys.
                rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;
        //// Convert the byteArray using Base64 and returns as an encrypted string
        return Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes);


    public static string Decrypt(string dataToDecrypt, byte[] privateKeyInfo)
        //// The bytearray to hold all of our data after decryption
        byte[] decryptedBytes;

        //Create a new instance of RSACryptoServiceProvider.
        using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
                byte[] bytesToDecrypt = Convert.FromBase64String(dataToDecrypt);

                //// Import the private key info

                //// No need to subtract padding size when decrypting
                int blockSize = rsa.KeySize / 8;

                //// buffer to write byte sequence of the given block_size
                byte[] buffer = new byte[blockSize];

                //// buffer containing decrypted information
                byte[] decryptedBuffer = new byte[blockSize];

                //// Initializes our array to make sure it can hold at least the amount needed to decrypt.
                decryptedBytes = new byte[dataToDecrypt.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < bytesToDecrypt.Length; i += blockSize)
                    if (2 * i > bytesToDecrypt.Length && ((bytesToDecrypt.Length - i) % blockSize != 0))
                        buffer = new byte[bytesToDecrypt.Length - i];
                        blockSize = bytesToDecrypt.Length - i;

                    //// If the amount of bytes we need to decrypt isn't enough to fill out a block, only decrypt part of it
                    if (bytesToDecrypt.Length < blockSize)
                        buffer = new byte[bytesToDecrypt.Length];
                        blockSize = bytesToDecrypt.Length;

                    Buffer.BlockCopy(bytesToDecrypt, i, buffer, 0, blockSize);
                    decryptedBuffer = rsa.Decrypt(buffer, false);
                    decryptedBuffer.CopyTo(decryptedBytes, i);
                //// Clear the RSA key container, deleting generated keys.
                rsa.PersistKeyInCsp = false;

        //// We encode each byte with UTF8 and then write to a string while trimming off the extra empty data created by the overhead.
        var encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
        return encoder.GetString(decryptedBytes).TrimEnd(new[] { '\0' });


I tried to see if I could split it up, but in my effort to do so, I came up with what I believed would be a more complex method (higher cyclomatic complexity).  I had a lot of `if` statements all of the sudden, having to take care of the encryption mode but also handling the encoding from UTF8 or BASE64.