You could reduce branching and improve readability by requiring the default for `to_b` to be explicitly stated. (It seems a bit excessive to have a default for the default, don't you think?) The branching is not my primary concern, though. The constructor seems to have a very copy-and-paste pattern. Metaprogramming could help here, I think. It would be nice to write… class Report include ActiveModel::Model include ParamAccessors date_param_accessor(:start_date) { |today| today - 7.days } date_param_accessor :end_date bool_param_accessor :show_sales, true bool_param_accessor :show_daily_active_users, false bool_param_accessor :show_registered_cc, false bool_param_accessor :show_all_time_registered_cc, false bool_param_accessor :show_users, false def initialize(params) @params = params end def sales … end end This mixin could make that possible: module ParamAccessors def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def date_param_accessor(name, default=nil) attr_writer(name) define_method(name) do if instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}") instance_variable_get("@#{name}") else @params.fetch(name, default) or (yield if block_given?) or return end end end def bool_param_accessor(name, default) attr_writer(name) define_method(name) do if instance_variable_defined?("@#{name}") instance_variable_get("@#{name}") else @params.fetch(name, default) end end end end end This assumes that the object is transient, such that the constructor and the `start_date`/`end_date` methods will be called on the same day.