>How am I doing, on learning JavaScript?
> This is just playing around and practicing javascript. I am learning
> JavaScript from codecademy and I practice coding everyday so I can
> learn much as possible. I have alot of if statements, prompt boxs,
> some alert boxs. I just got finished learning about functions,
> returns. I just don't know how to use the return in a browser for like
> document.write or even a alert box.
>I was told to come here, since it's not allowed on Stackoverflow.

    var pan = prompt("Please pick a number"); 
    var nap = prompt ("Please pick another number"); 
    var symbol = prompt("Please pick one of the following symbols +  -  *  /"); 
    pan = parseInt(pan);//The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer. 
    nap = parseInt(nap);//The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer. 
    if (symbol == "+"){ 
    alert("You picked the Add symbol"); 
    alert("Lets add both these numbers together. " + pan +" " +symbol+ " " + nap); 
    document.write("<center>Your number is " + (pan + nap)+"</center>"); 
    if (symbol == "-"){ 
    alert("You picked the Minus symbol"); 
    alert("Lets Minus both of these numbers. " + pan +" " +symbol+ " " + nap); 
    document.write("<center>Your number is " + (pan - nap)+"</center>"); 
    if (symbol == "*"){ 
    alert("You picked the Multiply symbol"); 
    alert("Lets Multiply both these numbers. " + pan +" " +symbol+ " " + nap); 
    document.write("<center>Your number is " + (pan * nap)+"</center>"); 
    if (symbol == "/"){ 
    alert("You picked the Divide symbol"); 
    alert("Lets Divide both these numbers. " + pan +" " +symbol+ " " + nap); 
    document.write("<center>Your number is " + (pan / nap) +"</center>"); 
    function run(){ 
    var name = prompt("What is your name?"); 
    document.write("<h1><center>Welcome to this special JavaScript page " + name +"</center></h1>"); 
    document.write("<center>Thank You for visting this page</center>"); 