Here are some observations that may help you improve your code.

## Don't abuse `using namespace std`
Putting `using namespace std` at the top of every program is [a bad habit]( that you'd do well to avoid.  

## Avoid the use of global variables
I see that `Clock` is used only within `main` (and `Initialization`) but it's declared as s global variable. It's generally better to explicitly pass variables your function will need or declare them within the appropriately smallest possible scope rather than using the vague implicit linkage of a global variable.  I'd recommend gathering these into a `BusSim` class instead.

## Use standard templates
The priority queue is currently declared like this:

    priority_queue <Event, vector<Event>, EventLess> FutureEventList;

This is very strange for several reasons.  First `EventLess` is defined as a struct:

    struct EventLess
        bool operator()(const Event& lhs, const Event& rhs) const
            return (lhs.get_time() > rhs.get_time());

Second, it has "less" in the name but uses ">" in the code!  Instead, I'd recommend creating a more typical operator function for the `Event` class:

    bool operator>(const Event& lhs, const Event& rhs) 
        return lhs.get_time() > rhs.get_time();

Then declare the `priority_queue` like this:

    std::priority_queue <Event, std::vector<Event>, std::greater<Event> > FutureEventList;

## Don't use `std::endl` if you don't really need it
The difference betweeen `std::endl` and `'\n'` is that `'\n'` just emits a newline character, while `std::endl` actually flushes the stream.  This can be time-consuming in a program with a lot of I/O and is rarely actually needed.  It's best to *only* use `std::endl` when you have some good reason to flush the stream and it's not very often needed for simple programs such as this one.  Avoiding the habit of using `std::endl` when `'\n'` will do will pay dividends in the future as you write more complex programs with more I/O and where performance needs to be maximized.

## Use only required `#include`s
The code has a number of `#include`s that are not needed.  This clutters the code and makes it more difficult to read and understand.  Only include files that are actually needed.  In this code, I believe these are the only ones required:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <queue>
    #include <functional>
    #include <vector>

## Rethink your class design
Your comment about this design being confusing to manage is likely to be true the way it's currently written.  Instead, I think I'd design things a little differently.  In particular, I think I'd have a `Bus` object for each bus.  Each `Bus` would contain its own collection of `BusStop`s.  Then I would have the whole thing encapsulated in a `BusSim` class.  If that is done, the `main` could look like this:

    int main(){
        BusSim sim(200);