Hello fellow programmers, I was wondering if this implementation of selection sort could be improved. Are there any things that I have done wrong?

    template<typename Element>
    void selection_sort(Element arr[], size_t size) {
    	auto index_toSort = 0u;
    	while (index_toSort < size) {
    		auto index_smallest = index_toSort;
    		for (auto index = index_toSort; index < size; ++index) {
    			if (arr[index] < arr[index_smallest]) {
    				index_smallest = index;
    		std::swap(arr[index_toSort], arr[index_smallest]);

I tried an iterator approach using the modern C++ way as suggested:
<br> Could someone tell me if there are mistakes since I am not used to this approach.

    template<typename Iterator, typename Comparator>
    void selection_sort(Iterator begin, Iterator end, Comparator comparator) {
    	for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
    		auto min = std::min_element(begin, end, comparator);
    		if (comparator(*min, *begin)) {
    			std::iter_swap(min, begin);
    template<typename Iterator>
    void selection_sort(Iterator begin, Iterator end) {
    	typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type value_type;
    	selection_sort(begin, end, std::less<value_type>());