public static void flagOfLiberia(Graphics g) { Expo.setBackground(g,; for (int d = 1; d <= numDots; d++) { int x = Expo.random(0,1000); int y = Expo.random(0,650); if (x < 300 && y < 300) Expo.setColor(g,Expo.darkBlue); else if (y % 100 < 50) Expo.setColor(g,; else Expo.setColor(g,Expo.white); } drawDot(g,x,y); Expo.setColor(g,Expo.white); Expo.fillStar(g,150,150,100,5); showName(g,"Liberia"); } The above should be at least a little improvement. I used a modulus (%) to check every multiple of 100, seeing if the remainder is less than or greater than 50. If you desire a cutoff at 650, then a single `if` statement can be added before the modulus to check that `y` is below the threshold. Also, I placed the star after the `for` loop in order to execute it only once.