**Advice I - `where TPriority : notnull`**

I would add `where TPriority : notnull` to the class declaraction, since the priority keys are always required.

**Note I**

I like your hack:


At most one of the two above calls will actually bubble up or down. By the way, it is conventional to call `BubbleX` as `SiftX`.

**Advice II - performance**

You could squeeze some CPU cycles by relying on an array of heap nodes, each heap node containing the item, priority and the index of the item, instead of a `List`.

**Summa summarum**

All in all, I had the following rewrite in mind:
namespace CR.PriorityQueues
    class CoderoddeBinaryHeap<TElement, TPriority> where TElement : notnull where TPriority : notnull
        private static readonly int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16;

        private class HeapNode<Element, Priority> where Element : notnull where Priority : notnull
            public Element element;
            public Priority priority;
            public int index;

            public HeapNode(Element element, Priority priority)
                this.element = element;
                this.priority = priority;

            public string ToString()
                return "[" + element.ToString() + " - " + priority.ToString() + ", index: " + index + "]";

        private int size;
        private HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>[] heapNodeArray =
            new HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>[INITIAL_CAPACITY];

        private readonly Dictionary<TElement, HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>> map = new();

        public IComparer<TPriority> Comparer { get; }

        public CoderoddeBinaryHeap()
            Comparer = Comparer<TPriority>.Default;

        public CoderoddeBinaryHeap(IComparer<TPriority> comparer)
            Comparer = comparer;

        public int Count => size;

        public void Enqueue(TElement item, TPriority priority)
            if (IsFull())

            HeapNode<TElement, TPriority> node = new HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>(item, priority);
            node.index = size;
            heapNodeArray[size] = node;
            map[item] = node;

        public void EnqueueOrUpdate(TElement item, TPriority priority)
            if (map.TryGetValue(item, out HeapNode<TElement, TPriority> node))
                node.priority = priority;
                Enqueue(item, priority);

        public bool TryDequeue(out TElement element, out TPriority priority)
            if (size == 0)
                (element, priority) = (default, default);
                return false;

            HeapNode<TElement, TPriority> node = heapNodeArray[0];
            heapNodeArray[0] = heapNodeArray[size];
            node.index = 0;
            (element, priority) = (node.element, node.priority);
            heapNodeArray[size] = null;
            return true;

        private void SiftUp(int index)
            HeapNode<TElement, TPriority> node = heapNodeArray[index];
            TPriority priority = node.priority;

            while (index > 0)
                int parentIndex = (index - 1) / 2;
                HeapNode<TElement, TPriority> parentNode = heapNodeArray[parentIndex];

                if (Comparer.Compare(priority, parentNode.priority) < 0)
                    heapNodeArray[index] = parentNode;
                    parentNode.index = index;
                    index = parentIndex;

            heapNodeArray[index] = node;
            node.index = index;

        private bool IsFull()
            return size == heapNodeArray.Length;

        private void extendHeapNodeArray()
            HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>[] newHeapNodeArray =
            new HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>[heapNodeArray.Length * 2];
            Array.Copy(heapNodeArray, 0, newHeapNodeArray, 0, size);
            heapNodeArray = newHeapNodeArray;

        private void shrinkHeapNodeArray()
            HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>[] newHeapNodeArray =
            new HeapNode<TElement, TPriority>[heapNodeArray.Length / 2];

            heapNodeArray = newHeapNodeArray;

        private bool shouldShrink()
            return heapNodeArray.Length / 2 != INITIAL_CAPACITY &&
                4 * size <= heapNodeArray.Length;

        private bool Compare(int leftIndex, int rightIndex) =>
                             heapNodeArray[rightIndex].priority) < 0;

        private void SiftDown(int index)
            HeapNode<TElement, TPriority> node = heapNodeArray[index];
            TPriority priority = node.priority;

            while (true)
                int minimumChildIndex;
                int leftChildIndex = 2 * index + 1;

                if (leftChildIndex < size)
                    minimumChildIndex = leftChildIndex;
                    heapNodeArray[index] = node;
                    node.index = index;

                int rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;

                if (rightChildIndex < size && Compare(rightChildIndex, leftChildIndex))
                    minimumChildIndex = rightChildIndex;

                if (Comparer.Compare(priority, heapNodeArray[minimumChildIndex].priority) > 0)
                    heapNodeArray[index] = heapNodeArray[minimumChildIndex];
                    heapNodeArray[index].index = index;

                    index = minimumChildIndex;
                    leftChildIndex = index * 2 + 1;
                    rightChildIndex = leftChildIndex + 1;
                    heapNodeArray[index] = node;
                    node.index = index;

(The entire benchmark program is in [my gist](https://gist.github.com/coderodde/5df03dc69ebee96b5f4aa6f6aef2130b).)

## Typical output ##
Seed = -368462730.
MyPriorityQueue`2.Enqueue() in 117 milliseconds.
MyPriorityQueue`2.EnqueueOrUpdate() in 474 milliseconds.
MyPriorityQueue`2.TryDequeue() in 2176 milliseconds.
Total MyPriorityQueue`2 duration: 2767 milliseconds.

CoderoddeBinaryHeap`2.Enqueue() in 288 milliseconds.
CoderoddeBinaryHeap`2.EnqueueOrUpdate() in 195 milliseconds.
CoderoddeBinaryHeap`2.TryDequeue() in 1010 milliseconds.
Total CoderoddeBinaryHeap`2 duration: 1493 milliseconds.

Algorithms agree: True.

MyPriorityQueue`2 is sorted: True.
CoderoddeBinaryHeap`2 is sorted: True.