Yep. I suppose your idea is generaly fine. This is being called **Command Pattern**. You might like to read more about it on Google. Used together with other well known pattern **Strategy** they both might be used here. Plus another one - **Template Method**. Let me just suggest some basic approach:

    public abstract class BaseCommand
        protected BaseCommand()

        public void Process(StuffOptions options)
            Logging.Log("here is a bunch of logging");

            // here sometimes there is some action-specific code but not often

            using (DocWrapper doc = new DocWrapper(options.File)) // this is in all actions
                foreach (int page in doc.GetPagesToModify(options.Pages)) // this is in most actions
                    // call some stuff on the doc instance

                doc.Save(options.OutputFile); // this is in all actions

        protected abstract void DoRealStuff(DocWrapper doc);

        protected virtual void ExtraStuff()

So, now you can go and implement your commands. You have to ALWAYS implement abstract method `DoRealStuff()` but only override `ExtraStuff()` when needed.

    class BaseCommandA : BaseCommand
        protected override void DoRealStuff(DocWrapper doc)
            // Doing my stuff here!

    class BaseCommandB : BaseCommand
        protected override void ExtraStuff()
            // I have to set some extra paramaetrs here...

        protected override void DoRealStuff(DocWrapper doc)
            // Doing my other stuff here!

Then there is matter of implementing last part - **strategy**. You can keep your static switch-get approach if you like, bu t better is to hide your classes details and return commands only by their base type:

    public static class CommandFactory
        private static BaseCommandA commandAInstance = new BaseCommandA();
        private static BaseCommandB commandBInstance = new BaseCommandB();

        public static BaseCommand GetCommand(invokedVerb)
            switch (invokedVerb)
                case "barcode": return commandAInstance;
                case "addblankpage": return commandBInstance;

                // ...

You might like to go into some lazy initialization inside if you like...

And then - grande finale - using all this stuff:

        public void Processing(cmd)
            // ...

Ofcourse all types, and arguments are being simplified. Good luck and have nice coding.

EDIT: And yes - there ofcourse are some precautions - when commands are done like that (static) all processing shall be stateless (no properties or fields inside command classes). If this is required - for example to pass some data from `DoExtraStuff()` - you just remove static fields and create new instance of command every time the `GetCommand()` is being called. Good thing is - the main Processing function remains the same - power of encapsulation.
Delegate approach might also be fine, but I think my classic solution is much easier to expand, extend and maintain.