I have a multi-threaded app (WCF) that writes to a MySQL db. I want to use MySQL's built in connection pooling abilities.

As far as I can tell, to do that, I should set `MySqlConnectionStringBuilder.MinimumPoolSize` to some value approximately equal to the number of threads I connect. Then Open/Close the connection for each call to the db. Is this correct? If not, what is the proper way to use pooling?

Here is the function I use to send data to the db. It gets called by many threads throughout the day. Hundreds, maybe thousands of times per day.

    private static void execute(MySqlCommand cmd)
            MySqlConnectionStringBuilder cnx = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder();
            cnx.Server = MySqlServer;
            cnx.Database = Database;
            cnx.UserID = UserId;
            cnx.Password = Pass;
            cnx.MinimumPoolSize = 100;
            cmd.Connection = new MySqlConnection(cnx.ToString());
        catch (MySqlException e)
            if (null != cmd.Connection)