I am studying and practicing Python; this is my Rock-Paper-Scissors game I've built from scratch. I saw this task is for beginners. When writing this in all the examples I saw dozens of lines of code with `if` `elif` `else` statements. I decided to write the shortest program for this game. I'm just looking for any comments, improvements or bad habits. Any comments at all are welcome! <!-- language-python: lang-python --> import random my_win = 0 my_loss = 0 my_tie = 0 def game(): global my_tie, my_loss, my_win var = {'scissors':(0,1,0), 'paper':(0,0,1), 'rock':(1,0,0)} user = input("Please choice scissors, paper or rock: ") while user not in ['scissors', 'paper', 'rock']: user = input("Please choice scissors, paper or rock: ") computer = random.choice(['scissors','paper','rock']) print(f"USER - {user} \nCOMPUTER - {computer}") for k, v in var.items(): if k == user: one = int(v.index(1)) if k == computer: two = int(v.index(1)) if one < two: print(f"USER with {user} - WIN!") my_win += 1 elif one == two: print("==TIE==") my_tie += 1 else: print(f"COMPUTER with {computer} - WIN!") my_loss += 1 def results(): print ("You win %d times!" % my_win) print ("You lose %d times!" % my_loss) print ("You tie %d times!" % my_tie) if __name__ == "__main__": game() <!-- language-python: lang-python -->