Firstly, you set `start` at the top of the script (which is OK). However, you __reset__ `start` right before your final calulation:

    # This will only time the execution of one statement!
    start = timer()
    ans = product_of_fractions[1] / product_of_fractions[0]
    elapsed_time = (timer() - start) * 1000 # s --> ms

Remove the above `start = timer()` to get a more accurate timing. Also, I would recommend moving the first `start` declaration to just before the nested `for` loops. That was the start time is more *spatially* related to what you are actually timing.

Secondly, your `a_common_element` function's name is a little misleading. Currently, it insinuates it will return positively if the two `lists` have *any number* of common elements. Changing the function name to something like `has_single_common_element` gives a better description of what the function actually does.

Also, `a_common_element` can be simplified a tad. By using [list comprehension][1] we can combine the nested `for` loops into one comprehension:

    def a_common_element(list_a, list_b):
        common_list = [value for value in list_a if value in list_b]

        if len(common_list) == 1:
            return common_list[0]
        return False

Your next section is actually quite interesting: you used a neat way to separate the digits. However, the downfall (I believe) to your method is the back-and-forth casting that it requires. I would, instead, recommend doing to calculations to get your digits:

    for numerator in range(10, 100):
        for denomerator in range(numerator+1, 100):
            # Division will strip off the first digit
            # Modulus will strip off the 0th digit
            n_digits = sorted([int(numerator/10), numerator % 10])           
            d_digits = sorted([int(denomerator/10), denomerator % 10])

NOTE: This recommendation is based on the project description you provided, that is all numbers will have exactly 2 digits. If you wanted to extend this to greater sets of numbers (3-digits, 4-digits, etc) I would keep your current implementation.

This next recommendation, like the previous, is based off of 2-digit numbers only.

Once you remove the common digit from the `lists`, you assign the remaining digits to variables; which is good. However, you then go check if the `lists` contain `0` instead of comparing the variables:

    # I imagine this is what Python does in the backgroud when you say:
    #    if 0 not in list
    if n_rem != 0 and d_rem != 0:

Your next section is nice. Its simple and intuitive. If you wanted to make the code more Pythonic, you could instead do it this way:

    product_of_fractions = [1, 1]
    for frac in fractions_that_work:
        product_of_fractions = [i*j for i, j in zip(product_of_fractions, frac)]

If you wanted to go a bit more towards functional programming you could use this single line of code:

    from functools import reduce   # Needed for Python 3, works in Python 2.6+
    import operator

    product_of_fractions = [reduce(operator.mul, value) for value in zip(*fractions_that_work)]

Even though it may be more complex (and thus slightly less readable), I prefer this last way because of its brevity.
