**Found a little inconsistency in your Vue template**

Using `v-bind:` syntax here,
<div id="listContainer" v-bind:style="{ height: height + 'px'}">
... but using `:` shorthand here:
<li v-for="number in numbers" :class="getClass(number)">

**Useless variable `app`**
const app = new Vue({ /* ... */ });
Do I need to say more?

**Object method notation shorthand**

Instead of using:
getOutput: function(number) { /* ... */ }
// ...
getClass: function(number) { /* ... */ }
You could use:
getOutput(number) { /* ... */ }
// ...
getClass(number) { /* ... */ }

**Too specific CSS selector**

You're specifying these selectors,
li.FizzBuzz { /* ... */ }
li.Fizz { /* ... */ }
li.Buzz { /* ... */ }
but there aren't any elements that would have these classes (`FizzBuzz`, `Fizz` and `Buzz`) other than `li`'s. This means you could simplify it to:
.FizzBuzz { /* ... */ }
.Fizz { /* ... */ }
.Buzz { /* ... */ }