You could write a function to return the current quarter, and then just subtract 3 months from the date repeatedly to get the previous quarters: public static int GetQuarter(DateTime date) { int[] quarters = new int[] { 4,4,4,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3 }; return quarters[date.Month-1]; } ** Note, of course update this code to reflect which quarters your months apply to. Function from ( But then it becomes trivial to get the current and previous quarters: DateTime date = DateTime.Now; var currentQuarter = GetQuarter(date); date = date.AddMonths(-3); var prevQuarter1 = GetQuarter(date); date = date.AddMonths(-3); var prevQuarter2 = GetQuarter(date); date = date.AddMonths(-3); var prevQuarter3 = GetQuarter(date); Hopefully this is a good solution to cleaning up your code some. You can test it out here on csharppad: If you need both the quarter and the year, you can return a custom object that stores both values, i.e.: public class Quarter { public int Quarter { get; set; } public int Year { get; set;} }