A few recommendations you might find useful:

### Cleanup the global/static data:

Right now your program make use of some global/static data. E.g.: `dictionary`, `dict_entry_sizes`, `prevBytes` and `left` (anything else that I've missed?). 

This poses a few limitations. For instance, your decompression routines cannot be run in parallel, since there is only one shared `dictionary` and friends, so running that code in different threads would result in [*data races*][1]. A good compression library should definitely be suitable for concurrent use!

Another potential issue is that it would be much harder to expand your code to support multiple compressors that can be paused and resumed, again because they would all share the same common global variables.

To improve this, you could make use of a *context structure* for your compressor. If you haven't experimented with [`struct`s in C][2] yet, this should be a great opportunity. Move all the global and `static` variables into a structure declared it in your header file. Example:

    struct LzwCompression
        bool left;
        byte prevBytes[2];
        byte* dictionary[4096];
        int dict_entry_sizes[4096];

Now each of the decompression functions must take a pointer to this context struture and source the variables from it, instead of reading the globals. Example with `decompress()`:

    int decompress (LzwCompression* lzw, FILE* source, FILE* dest)
        load_dict_defaults(lzw->dictionary, lzw->dict_entry_sizes);
        lzw->left = true;

And the caller would then provide an instance of this structure to the decompression functions:

    LzwCompression lzw;
    decompress(&lzw, sourceFile, destFile);

    // You can have as many 'LzwCompressions' as you need, without the danger of they stepping on each other's toes.

After this change is applied, be sure to properly initialize the the structure. Your code probably relies on the globals being zero initialized. The compiler does that for you for global variables, but a struct declared at function scope is not cleared by default. So you might [`memset()`][3] the `LzwCompression` instance either on `main()` or right at the top of `decompress()`. Also set the `left` field to true after `memset`ing the structure, since that was the starting value of the global originally.

### Hide implementation details:

Internal functions that are only relevant to the implementation in the `.c` file should not be exposed in your header file. Keep header files as lean and mean as you can to streamline compile times. I believe the only function the user of your decompression cares about is `decompress()`, so remove the prototypes of the other ones from the header file and place those functions at the top of your `.c` file, marking them as `static`. In this case the `static` keyword means that the function is local, so the linker doesn't export it. It is not quite the same meaning of a `static` variable, so you don't have to worry with shared/global data. 

    // lzw.c

    static void load_dict_defaults (byte* dict[], int sizes[])

    static void free_dict (byte* dict[], int from, int to)

    .. etc ...

### Odds and ends:

- I see that you already use the `bool` type, so extend that to the return type of functions that only have two possible outcomes, success (`true`) and failure (`false`). Returning integer error codes is error prone for the programmer since there isn't a single agreement or convention on which values should be returned. A boolean is much more obvious of its meaning.

- Go easy on the [magic numbers][4]. You have a lot of repeated literal constants out there that could be consolidated into a few named constants. `#define` and `enum` are the traditional C ways of doing that, but I'd instead recommend [preferring `static const`s whenever possible to gain some type safety][5].

- You correctly use `stderr` in your decompression routines to print errors, but in `main()` all error reporting is done with `printf`, which outputs to `stdout`. Error output should always be sent to `stderr`, so that users can easily filter the program output. Replace those error prints with `stderr`. You might also consider adding the output of [`strerror()`][6] to the messages involving system errors (like `fopen()` and friends).


Well, that's all the juice I have! Compression is not my field, so I don't know how you can improve the algorithm. Hopefully someone else will provide some comments on that. 

As for the memory leaks you mention, I haven't tested, sorry. If the output of Valgrind is not helping you much, you might try the [Clang LeakSanitizer][7] which is a very powerful tool with a super detailed error output that should make it very easy to find the source of the leaks.


**EDIT:** In a second thought, I think I do know where your memory leaks are:

>     void load_dict_defaults (byte* dict[], int sizes[])
>     {
>         byte* temp;
>         byte c = 0;
>         for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
>         {
>             temp = malloc(1); // <-- is this ever freed somewhere?
>             temp[0] = c++;
>             dict[i] = temp;
>             dict_entry_sizes[i] = 1;
>         }
>     }

If I follow correctly the logic of `decompress()`, that 1 byte `malloc` you did in the above function gets overwritten without ever being freed. But actually, `malloc`ing a single byte of memory is very inefficient, so you should try to refactor that to instead perform a single allocation of the sum of all bytes. I'll leave that as an exercise ;).

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_condition#Software
  [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struct_(C_programming_language)
  [3]: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/memset/
  [4]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_(programming)
  [5]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1674032/static-const-vs-define-in-c
  [6]: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/strerror/
  [7]: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LeakSanitizer.html