Maybe using list.count() you can achieve the same with less lines?

    x = [1,1,2,3,1,3]
    def times_so_far(ls):
        out = [0]*len(ls)
        for i in xrange(len(ls)):
            out[i] = ls[:i].count(ls[i]) 
        return out

This can be written with list comprehension as mentioned by Caridorc, and it removes the first `len(ls)` call this way (though maybe at the cost of resizing `out` for every element of the list):

    def times_so_far(ls):

        return [ls[:i].count(ls[i]) for i in xrange(len(ls))]

Now, if you're going to work with lists of positive integers of a small value, I would recommend the following, as it's similar to yours but it works with indices instead of dict keys:

    def times_so_far(ls, maxValue):
       temp = [0]*(maxValue+1)
       out = [0]*len(ls)
       for i in xrange(len(ls)):
          out[i] = temp[ls[i]]
          temp[ls[i]] += 1
       return out