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Javascript singleton to notify different objects of changes in viewport size

I'm working on a singleton object to manage size changes in the viewport, I wanted it to be a singleton because there may be different unrelated objects that need to be notified when a change in viewport dimensions has occurred. So I came up with this solution based on the singleton design pattern found in here.

var CAResizeManager = ( function () {

    var instance;

    function init() {

        var o_actions   = [];
        var o_cache_pos = {};
        var o_timeout;

         * Custom 'addEvent' function;
        addEvent( window, 'resize', function () {

             * Clear timeout if resize is called severla times in short timespan.
            clearTimeout( o_timeout );

            o_timeout = setTimeout( function () {

                var o_viewport_size = getViewportSize();
                 * Loop through the actions array to pass new viewport size;
                for ( var i = o_actions.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                    var o_func = o_actions[ i ];

                    if ( o_func ) {
                        o_func( o_viewport_size );

            } ,300 );

        } );

        return {
            addAction: function ( arg_func ) {

                 * Generates a unique id to identify action.
                var i_id = Math.random().toString().replace( '0.', '' );

                o_actions.push( arg_func );
                 * Store position in an object to avoid looping through the 
                 * actions array.
                o_cache_pos[ i_id ] = o_actions.length === 0 ? 0 : o_actions.length - 1;                
                 * Return id to external object.
                return i_id;
            removeAction: function ( arg_id ) {

                var i_index = o_cache_pos[ arg_id ]; 

                 * Check if id exists;
                if ( i_index ) {

                 * Remove action from array
                o_actions.splice( i_index, 1 );

                 * Delete positon from cache;
                delete o_cache_pos[ arg_id ];


    return {
        getInstance: function () {

            if ( !instance ) {
                instance = init();

            return instance;

} )();