This should find the number in O(log(i)*log(i)). This is faster than O(i) which the OP uses.
static int sumOfDigits(long num) {
int sum;
// compute the sum as modulo 10 for each digit in num
// T = O(log(num))
for (sum = 0; num != 0; sum += num%10, num = num/10) { }
return sum;
static int getNo() {
long s = 9;
while(sumOfDigits(s) <= n and s < m) {
// O(log(n)) rounds each taking O(log(s)) => T = O(log(m)*log(m))
s = s*10+9;
// s = 99999... sumdigits(s) >= n
// factor = 10000... same length as s
// s is bigger than the wanted number
// and has a bigger sum than the wanted number has.
// So now we just have to walk down towards the number.
// We do that one decimal position at a time
long factor = (s+1) / 10;
while(factor != 0) {
while(s - factor >= m and sumOfDigits(s - factor) >= n) {
// we can subtract 1 from this decimal position
// Max 10 rounds = O(1)*O(log(s))
s -= factor;
// next decimal position
// O(log(factor)) rounds => total: T = O(log(s)*log(factor))
factor /= 10;
int i = s;
if (sumOfDigits(i) == n) {
ndigit = (Integer.toString(i)).length();
return i;
return 0;