I just started messing around with Java's `BufferedImage`. I had an idea to try to encode a message into a picture by coloring each pixel a certain color that corresponds to a certain character. Here's the above paragraph as a picture: [![First paragraph as a picture.][1]][1] Note the black parts. Those are spaces. I needed a way of enumerating colors to match colors to characters. To do this, I decided to treat the RGB color as a 3-digit, base-255 number, then just incrementing each channel as though I was counting (increment the rightmost channel until it gets to 255, then make it 0 and increment the channel to the left). I used this for a previous project, and although it's slow, it was acceptable. (defn inc-permutation "\"Counts\" arbitrary symbols. Example: (inc-permutation \\a \\c #(char (inc (int %))) [\\a \\b \\b]) returns [\\a \\b \\c], then [\\a \\c \\a], [\\a \\c \\b], [\\a \\c \\c], [\\b \\a \\a], [\\b \\a \\lein pomb]... Quite slow." [first-symbol last-symbol inc-f current-permutation] (let [current-ones (last current-permutation) carry? (= current-ones last-symbol) overflown? (empty? current-permutation) last-i (dec (count current-permutation))] (cond carry? (conj (inc-permutation first-symbol last-symbol inc-f (subvec current-permutation 0 last-i)) first-symbol) overflown? [] :else (assoc current-permutation last-i (inc-f current-ones))))) It works, but it seems like a hack more than anything. I calculated that to cover the entire range of colors with a char, I would need to increment each color 174540 times * `(- (int (character) 32)`. At 88ms per increment, it will take a little over 8 seconds to increment a `\~` to `[253 3 19]`, which for a message of any length is unacceptable. Below is the full code. The last method, `color-of-char`, is where it's all tied together. (ns bits.image.color-encode.conversion-helper) (def min-char-code 32) (def max-char-code "inclusive" 127) (def total-colors (int (Math/pow 255 3))) (def color-code-mult (int (inc (/ total-colors (- max-char-code min-char-code))))) (def starting-color [0 0 0]) (defn inc-permutation ...) (defn advance-color [color color-step] (let [f #(g/inc-permutation 0 255 inc %)] (if (= color-step 1) (f color) (reduce (fn [c _] ; Faster than `iterate` (f c)) color (range color-step))))) (defn color-of-char [chr] (let [code (- (int chr) min-char-code)] (advance-color [0 0 0] (* code color-code-mult)))) `(color-of-char \a)` -> `[173 29 13]`, but it takes an average of 5.879696 seconds to get there (according to Criterium). 1. Is there anything I can do to speed up the current way? Any general comments would be welcome too. 2. Is there a better way to "increment a RGB color"? Alternatively, is there a way to get some nth color, that isn't `O(n)`? Edit: I managed to get a mostly working constant time conversion algorithm written. Here's this entire question as a picture: [![Entire question as a picture][2]][2] The darker parts are low value characters like punctuation and numbers. They probably correspond to the code. I'm still interested in any feedback though, since the new solution is still a work in progress. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/w7nKD.png [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/DLz5V.png