1. The method should be `static`.
2. The method should throw `NoSuchElementException` when the list is empty.
3. I prefer to index by `[left, right)` instead of using `subList`
4. Choose a good pivot location, and you don't need the `size() == 2`.

In code:


        public static int findReset(List<Integer> rotatedArray) {
            if (rotatedArray.isEmpty()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException("No reset for an empty list");
        	return findReset0(rotatedArray, 0, rotatedArray.size());
        private static int findReset0(List<Integer> rotatedArray, int left, int right) {
        	// when array is already sorted
        	if(left + 1 == right || rotatedArray.get(left) < rotatedArray.get(right - 1))
        		return left;
        	int middle = (left + right) / 2;
        	if (rotatedArray.get(left) < rotatedArray.get(middle - 1)) {
        		// when left side is monotonically increasing
                return findReset0(rotatedArray, middle, right);
            } else {
        		// when right side is monotonically increasing
        		return findReset0(rotatedArray, left, middle);