## Syntax & Styling

 - Instead of `#define`ing `size` to be 10, you should declare a `static const`.

        static const size = 10;

    [This answer][1] explains nicely as to why.  Good job on having this declared though, it's better than having magic numbers in your code.

 - You should ***never*** declare `main()` to return `void`.  There is no good reason to not declare it as `int main()`.  See [this answer][2] for more explanation.

 - You should declare your main with `void` parameters, as such:

        int main(void) 

 - Your `main()` is doing too much within it.  You should abstract your code into different functions and then call it from within `main()`.

 - Put the variable declarations to separate lines and initialize them to some value. From *Code Complete, 2d Edition*, p. 759:

 > With statements on their own lines, the code reads from top to bottom,
 > instead of top to bottom and left to right. When you’re looking for a
 > specific line of code, your eye should be able to follow the left
 > margin of the code. It shouldn’t have to dip into each and every line
 > just because a single line might contain two statements.

 - You should declare your `for` loops as such:

        for(int i=0; i < size; ++i)

   Note that this was introduced in the C99 standard.  There is no reason you should not be using this standard in your code.

### Algorithm

 - Why do you limit yourself to finding palindromes within an `int` array?  It's more typical to find palindromes within a string.

 - Right now the time complexity for your algorithm is \$ O(n^3) \$, which is expensive.  Let's use [Manacher's algorithm][3] which can do it in \$ O(n) \$.  [Here is a C implementation of the algorithm][4], but recognize that this has some bad practices within the code and should only be looked at to get an idea for implementing the algorithm yourself.

  [1]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1674040/1937270
  [2]: https://stackoverflow.com/a/204483/1937270
  [3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_palindromic_substring
  [4]: http://www.geeksforgeeks.org/manachers-algorithm-linear-time-longest-palindromic-substring-part-4/