I'm working to get some practice with SQL functions which are often used in a financial setting, and I created this simple table with products, prices and tax rates basically. I then wrote a query to simulate a purchase invoice type of result set (I realize things like that are most often done at application level, or as a separate DB transaction). After I wrote this query, I found myself using so many parentheses for operations, and repeating the same formulas over and over, and I thought; there's got to be a better way to do this! So here I am seeking peer review. You can try it **[using SEDE](http://data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/338872)**. Here is the table: CREATE TABLE #Sales ( Id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , Product NVARCHAR(MAX) , Price DECIMAL(6,2) , Qty INT , Import BIT , SalesTaxRate DECIMAL(6,2) , ImportTaxRate DECIMAL(6,2) ); GO INSERT INTO #Sales (Product, Price, Qty, Import, SalesTaxRate, ImportTaxRate) VALUES ('Apple Pie', 3.99, 10, 0, 7.50, NULL) , ('Swiss Chocolate', 6.99, 5, 1, NULL, 5.50) , ('French Wine', 12.99, 3, 1, 7.50, 5.50) , ('Complimentary Gift', NULL, 1, 0, NULL, NULL) ; GO And here is the query which results in this table being returned: ![table][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/aBeBJ.png SELECT Id , Product , [Price] = COALESCE(Price, 0) , Qty , [Subtotal] = (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty) , [Sales Tax] = CAST((ISNULL(SalesTaxRate,0) * ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2)) , [Import Tax] = CAST((ISNULL(ImportTaxRate,0) * ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2)) , [Total Tax] = COALESCE( CAST(((ISNULL(SalesTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty)) + (ISNULL(ImportTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty))) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2)) , 0) , [Line Total] = ( ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty -- Subtotal + COALESCE( CAST(((ISNULL(SalesTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty)) + (ISNULL(ImportTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty))) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2)) , 0)) -- Total Tax FROM #Sales UNION SELECT NULL , 'Totals' , NULL , NULL , SUM((ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty)) -- Subtotal , SUM(CAST((ISNULL(SalesTaxRate,0) * ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2))) , SUM(CAST((ISNULL(ImportTaxRate,0) * ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2))) , SUM(COALESCE( CAST(((ISNULL(SalesTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty)) + (ISNULL(ImportTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty))) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2)) , 0)) , SUM( ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty -- Subtotal + COALESCE( CAST(((ISNULL(SalesTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty)) + (ISNULL(ImportTaxRate,0) * (ISNULL(Price,0) * Qty))) / 100 AS DECIMAL(6,2)) , 0)) -- Total Tax FROM #Sales