In regards to variables `i` and `j` they are loop index variables and can be declared in the loop alone instead of at the top. It will clean up the code. Example for (var j=0;j<obj.length;++j){...} Personally I would write it up like this describing `p` and `i` which are form elements. In additon there is no need to duplicate code (example would be 3 identical for statments), you can gather all the form elements and concat the arrays together in one. Then by using a switch statement you can minimize the duplicate `if`s for each element type and eliminate the need for duplicate for statements. Have a look below. it is much cleaner. function test_submit(id){ var params=[], results=[], form=document.getElementById(id), obj; for(var i = 0, var formElement = form.elements[i]; i < form.elements.length; i++) { if ( { switch (formElement.tagName) { case "SELECT": for(var j=0, var optionItem = formElement.options[j]; j < formElement.length; j++){ if(optionItem.selected){ var value = optionItem.value; if(!value) value = optionItem.text; params.push([,value]); } } break; case "INPUT": var type=formElement.type, value=formElement.value; if(type) type=type.toLowerCase(); if(type && (type == 'radio' || type == 'checkbox')) { if(formElement.checked) params.push([,value?value:'on']); } else params.push([,value]); break; case "TEXTAREA": params.push([,formElement.value]); break; } } } for (var i in params) results.push(params[i][0]+'='+escape(params[i][1])); return results.join('&'); }