If you want an easy way to loop an arbitrary command several times...

    set /a loop=100
    for /L %%P in (1,1,%loop%) do (
        echo Looping for one hundred times

The first line is obvious.

The second line is a bit harder - `for /L` specifies that for every number in a certain set, the batch file will do something. `%%P` is a parameter that holds what number the `for` loop is at currently - it can be any letter you like (and some other characters but they are dangerous so stick with letters). `in (1,1,%loop%)` specifies that this is for every number from `1` to `%loop%`, increasing by `1` every time. `do ( ... )` obviously tells the batch file what it needs to do.

So, in every number from `1` to `100`, it will `echo` `Looping for one hundred times`. This will obviously scroll down the page seeing as we never clear the screen with `cls`.

Once a `for` loop has reached its final number, the batch file continues on executing the commands following the final `)` as you would expect. 

I can expand this answer if you want to know what you're doing wrong and right in your own code example, but I pretty much just did the same thing in 4 lines which should suffice.