I have a Composition object that contains 4 ArrayList objects, each of which contains objects of a particular subclass of my Abstract class "Role". The 4 subclasses are Bruiser, Healer, Tank, Damage Dealer. The values of the Composition object's properties are incremented accordingly each time a Role subclass gets added to one of its ArrayLists, like so (note: "this" corresponds to the Composition object) :  

    private void addMutualContribution(Role r) {
        this.mobility += r.getMobility();
        this.defensiveRating += r.getPeeling();
        this.waveclear += r.getWaveclear();
        this.burstMitigation += r.getBurstMitigaion();
        this.sustainedMitigation += r.getSustainedMitigation();

    public void addBruiserContribution(Bruiser b) {
        this.offensiveRating += b.getPressure();
        this.damage += b.getDamage();
        this.frontlineRating += b.getFrontlineRating();

    public void addDDContribution(DamageDealer d) {
        this.burstDamageRating += d.getBurstDamageRating();
        this.sustainedDamageRating += d.getSustainedDamageRating();
        this.damage += d.getDamageOutput();
        this.offensiveRating += d.getAggression();

    public void addTankContribution(Tank t) {
        this.defensiveRating += t.getAntiMeleeEffectiveness();
        this.offensiveRating += t.getEngage();
        this.frontlineRating += t.getFrontlineRating();

    public void addHealerContribution(Healer h) {
        this.burstMitigation += h.getBurstHealing();
        this.sustainedMitigation += h.getSustainedHealing();

        if (h.hasLockdownProtection()) {
            this.lockdownProtection = true;

To me, this implementation feels backwards. Ultimately I should only have the one public method to add a Role subclass to the composition, then the Composition should privately adjust its own properties based on which particular subclass is being added, something like this: 

    public void addRole(CustomEnum roleType, Role r) {
        // increment properties inherent to all roles like mobility, waveclear, etc.
        // ...

        switch (roleType) {
            case BRUISER:
            case TANK:
            case DAMAGE_DEALER:
            case HEALER:
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("Wrong roletype provided!");

This doesn't work without me having to hardcast the Role abstract class into a particular subclass before passing it to the appropriate "add__Contribution()" method, which is a big red-flag. Thus it feels like I missed an opportunity for cleaner polymorphism, but I can't figure out where. 

How could I make my code well-formed and polymorphic to suit my needs?

Edit: Including more of my code to further flesh out my problem! 

Role Abstract class: 

    public abstract class Role {
        protected String name;
        protected int mobility;
        protected int waveclear;
        protected int peeling;
        protected int burstMitigation;
        protected int sustainedMitigation;
        protected boolean lockdown;
        protected boolean aaControl;
        protected AttackRange range;
        public String getName() {
            return name;
        public int getMobility() {
            return mobility;
        public int getWaveclear() {
            return waveclear;
        public int getPeeling() {
            return peeling;
        public int getBurstMitigaion() {
            return burstMitigation;
        public int getSustainedMitigation() {
            return sustainedMitigation;
        public boolean hasLockdown() {
            return lockdown;

        public boolean hasAAControl() { 
            return aaControl;
        public AttackRange getRange() {
            return range;

Bruiser Subclass: 

    public class Bruiser extends Role {

        private int pressure;
        private int damage;
        private int frontlineRating;

        protected Bruiser() {


        public int getPressure() {
            return pressure;

        public int getDamage() {
            return damage;

        public int getFrontlineRating() {
            return frontlineRating;


Healer subclass: 

    public class Healer extends Role {

        private int burstHealing;
        private int sustainedHealing;
        private boolean lockdownProtection;

        protected Healer() {


        public int getBurstHealing() {
            return burstHealing;

        public int getSustainedHealing() {
            return sustainedHealing;

        public boolean hasLockdownProtection() {
            return lockdownProtection;

Tank subclass:

    public class Tank extends Role {

        private int antiMeleeEffectiveness;   
        private int frontlineRating;
        private int engage;

        protected Tank() {


        public int getAntiMeleeEffectiveness() {
            return antiMeleeEffectiveness;

        public int getFrontlineRating() {
            return frontlineRating;

        public int getEngage() {
            return engage;

Damage Dealer subclass:

    public class DamageDealer extends Role {

        private int burstDamageRating;
        private int sustainedDamageRating;
        private int aggression;
        private int damageOutput;

        protected DamageDealer() {

        public int getBurstDamageRating() {
            return burstDamageRating;

        public int getSustainedDamageRating() {
            return sustainedDamageRating;

        public int getAggression() {
            return aggression;

        public int getDamageOutput() {
            return damageOutput;