# Method Names

The most method names do not describe what the method really does and what the method name implies.

  - `getButtonData` let me imply that it returns information about one button
  - `getButtonDataByPage` the same like `getButtonData`
  - `add` implies that something gets added to a collection

In generell method names that start with `get` are known as [_getter_](https://guide.freecodecamp.org/java/getters-and-setters/) and that they return values of an object that has no or less computation. The methods you provide starts with `get` but relay heavily on computation and do not return just a value.

Names that would better fit are: `buildInitialButtonList`, `buildNavigatedButtonList` and `createButton`.

# Hard to Read

>if (pageSize > 10) {
>    if (i < 6) {
>        buttons.push(add(i, i == 1 ? true : false, true, false));
>    }
>    else if (pageSize >= 6 && i == 6) {
>        buttons.push(add(i, i == 1 ? true : false, pageSize > 6 ? false : true, >pageSize > 6 ? true : false));
>    }
>    else if (i == pageSize) {
>        buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));
>    }

The code smells [_boolean flags_](https://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1392524) and [_magic numbers_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_number_%28programming%29) make your code hard to read an to maintain. 

Imagine you want to show only 3 instead 6 buttons: Alone in this small snipped you have to touch the code 5 times and in the whole code you provide 12 times.

# Many Conditions
Beside the code smells you have many conditions. The 3 lines below contain 4 conditions:

>else if (pageSize >= 6 && i == 6) {
>    buttons.push(add(i, i == 1 ? true : false, pageSize > 6 ? false : true, pageSize > 6 ? true : false));

# Simplify Conditions

Some conditions follow the semantic of `condition ? true : false` which is the same as `condition`. For instance:

>buttons.push(add(i, i == 1 ? true : false, pageSize > 6 ? false : true, pageSize > 6 ? true : false))

Is the same as

buttons.push(add(i, i == 1, pageSize > 6, pageSize > 6))

# Useless Conditions

Let's analyze `getButtonData` and the same will be apply to `getButtonDataByPage`.

>else if (... && i == 6) {
>    buttons.push(add(i, i == 1 ? true : false, ..., ...));

We first check if `(i == 6)` and if this is true we check if `i == 1` which will always be false:

else if (... && i == 6) {
    buttons.push(add(i, false, ..., ...));


>if (pageSize > 10) {
>    if (...) {/* ... */}
>    else if (pageSize >= 6 && i == 6) {
>        buttons.push(add(..., ..., pageSize <= 6, pageSize > 6));
>    }

First we make sure that `pageSize > 10` and than we check if `pageSize >= 6`, `pageSize <= 6` and `pageSize > 6`. Since we already know that `pageSize` is greater than 10 we can simplify to:

if (pageSize > 10) {
    if (...) {/* ... */}
    else if (i == 6) {
        buttons.push(add(..., ..., true, true));

After the simplification:

for (let i = 1; i <= pageSize; i++) {
    if (pageSize > 10) {
        if (i < 6) {
            buttons.push(add(i, i == 1, true, false));
        else if (i == 6) {
            buttons.push(add(i, false, true, true));
        else if (i == pageSize) {
            buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));
    else {
        buttons.push(add(i, i == 1, true, false));

where `i == 1` can have its own branch:

if (i === 1) {
    buttons.push(add(i, true, true, false))
} else if (pageSize > 10) {
    if (i < 6) {
        buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));
    } else if (i === 6) {
        buttons.push(add(i, false, true, true));
    } else if (i === pageSize) {
        buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));
} else {
    buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));

Since only the first 6 button gets rendered we do not need to check for `pageSize > 10`:

if (i === 1) {
    buttons.push(add(i, true, true, false))
} else if (i < 6) {
    buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));
} else if (i === 6) {
    buttons.push(add(i, false, true, true));
} else if (i === pageSize) {
    buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));

and since the branch body of `i < 6` and `i === pageSize` are the same:

if (i === 1) {
    buttons.push(add(i, true, true, false))
} else if (i < 6 || i === pageSize) {
    buttons.push(add(i, false, true, false));
} else if (i === 6) {
    buttons.push(add(i, false, true, true));

# Builder Pattern

To go away from all the boolean flags you could create a [Builder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_pattern) and refactor the simplified version from above to something like: 

const firstButton = new ButtonBuilder().withValue(1).disabled().visible().noPlaceholder();
const placeholder = new ButtonBuilder().enabled().visible().placeholder();
const button = new ButtonBuilder().enabled().visible().noPlaceholder();
for (let i = 1; i <= pageSize; i++) {
    if (i === 1) {
    } else if (i < 6 || i === pageSize) {
    } else if (i === 6) {

# The Algorithm

In your example, you can page through 50 buttons, of which only 6 are required to render. For each button click you have to loop 50 times to render 6 buttons again.

But actually you know directly which buttons are required to render without to loop 50 times. There are 3 cases:

 - on the first to 5. button  : `1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... 50`
 - on button between 6. to 50.: `1, ... 6, [7], 8, ..., 50`
 - on the last button         : `1, ... 46, 47, 48, 49, [50]`

some pseudo code:

function buildPagination(current) {
    if (current < 6) {
        const pagination =  [
        return pagination;

    if (current === last) {
        return [
            button(last - 4),
            button(last - 3),
            button(last - 2),
            button(last - 1),

    return [
        button(current - 1),
        button(current + 1),