This is my code: function search() { $("#myInput").keyup(function() { var value = this.value.toLowerCase(); $("table").find("tr").each(function(index) { if (index === 0) return; var id = $(this).find("td").first().text().toLowerCase(); $(this).toggle(id.indexOf(value) !== -1); }); }); } function searchFilt(value) { $("table").find("tr").each(function(index) { if (index === 0) return; var id = $(this).find("td").first().text(); $(this).toggle(id.indexOf(value) !== -1); }); }; However I have used: $("table").find("tr").each(function(index) { if (index === 0) return; var id = $(this).find("td").first().text().toLowerCase(); $(this).toggle(id.indexOf(value) !== -1); }); }); twice, and I am sure there would be a more effective way to do this. However I am not sure how to go about doing so - any advice?