As this is a codereview, let's review the PHP part as well.

I doubt these improvements will add a lot of speed but they will definitely add to the main benefits of PHP code - the *clarity and conciseness*. And the time and effort spent for writing the code to do the job 

    $i_fp = fopen("inFile.csv","r");
    $o_fp = fopen("outFile.csv","w");
    while (($split = fgetcsv($i_fp, 0, ';')) !== FALSE) {
        if($split[3] == 'E' || $split[3] == 'T')
            fputcsv($o_fp, [
                $split[0], $split[1], $split[3], $split[4], $split[5], $split[6],
                $split[10], $split[9],$split[11],$split[7],$split[32]