You probably want to use `timeit` module with similar setup:


    from itertools import combinations

    def combinations_3(ary):
        l = len(ary)
        for i in xrange(l-2):
            for j in xrange(i+1, l-1):
                for k in xrange(j+1, l):
                    yield (ary[i], ary[j], ary[k])

    def _test(generator):
        for combination in generator:
            #: To meger time of sequence generation we should ommit IO operations.

    def test_lib(lenght=10000):
        _test(combinations(list(range(1, lenght)), 3))

    def test_self_written(lenght=10000):
        _test(combinations_3(list(range(1, lenght))))


    import timeit

    #: Print title
    print('                library time   self written time')

    #: Counter of sequence number.
    for i in list(range(10, 100, 10)):
        #: Meger execution time for self written combinations implementation.
        self_written = timeit.Timer(
            #: Tested expression.
            #: Test setup, here we just import tested function.
            'from run import test_self_written as test_lib'
        ).timeit(1000)  #: And here we just set number of testing iterations.

        lib = timeit.Timer(
            'from run import test_lib'

        #: Print output in format "<number of elements>: library time, self written time"
        print('{:03} elements: {:10.6f}     {:10.6f}'.format(i, lib, self_written))

And here is my output:

    $ python2 
                    library time   self written time
    010 elements:   0.007060       0.030495
    020 elements:   0.058317       0.239376
    030 elements:   0.211884       0.817189
    040 elements:   0.522477       1.903142
    050 elements:   1.047018       3.803112
    060 elements:   1.969069       6.590189
    070 elements:   2.960615      10.500072
    080 elements:   4.468489      15.176092
    090 elements:   6.402755      21.669669
    $ python3 
                    library time   self written time
    010 elements:   0.009168       0.038298
    020 elements:   0.058049       0.285885
    030 elements:   0.208938       1.031432
    040 elements:   0.523407       2.450311
    050 elements:   1.048463       4.796328
    060 elements:   1.828277       7.832434
    070 elements:   2.970929      13.067557
    080 elements:   4.481792      18.496334
    090 elements:   6.353836      26.277946
    $ pypy 
                    library time   self written time
    010 elements:   0.011924       0.040272
    020 elements:   0.056972       0.046638
    030 elements:   0.185858       0.083793
    040 elements:   0.456202       0.188640
    050 elements:   0.913935       0.338211
    060 elements:   1.588666       0.542124
    070 elements:   2.537772       0.846942
    080 elements:   3.816353       1.232982
    090 elements:   5.471375       1.707760

And python versions

    $ python2 -V && python3 -V && pypy -V
    Python 2.7.6
    Python 3.4.3
    [PyPy 2.2.1 with GCC 4.8.2]

As you can see, `pypy` is much faster than `cpython` implementation. *TBC*