After my last successful submission for review, I present another snippet of Python for review. Included are simple test cases which are also applicable for review.

As usual a huge thanks to people who take the time to look at this code, I learnt a huge amount from the previous posting and truly appreciate all input given.

    A dictionary whose values are only evaluated on access.
    from functools import partial

    from UserDict import IterableUserDict

    class LazyDict(IterableUserDict, object):
        A lazy dictionary implementation which will try
        to evaluate all values on access and cache the
        result for later access.

        def set_lazy(self, key, item, *args, **kwargs):
            Allow the setting of a callable and arguments
            as value of dictionary.
            if callable(item):
                item = partial(item, *args, **kwargs)
            super(LazyDict, self).__setitem__(key, item)

        def __getitem__(self, key):
            item = super(LazyDict, self).__getitem__(key)
                self[key] = item = item()
            except TypeError:
            return item

    def test_lazy_dict():
        Simple test cases for `LazyDict`.

        lazy_dict = LazyDict({1: 1, 2: lambda: 2})
        assert lazy_dict[2] == 2
        lazy_dict[3] = 3
        assert lazy_dict[3] == 3

        def joiner(*args, **kwargs):
            sep = kwargs.pop('sep', ' ')
            kwargs = [
                '%s=%s' % (k, v)
                for k, v in sorted(kwargs.iteritems())]
            return sep.join(list(args) + kwargs)

            4, joiner, 'foo', 'bar', name='test', other='muah', sep=' ')
        assert lazy_dict[4] == 'foo bar name=test other=muah'

        assert lazy_dict.get('5') is None

        # Test caching functionality.
        def call_at_max(count):
            counter = [0]

            def inner():
                counter[0] += 1
                if counter[0] > count:
                    raise AssertionError('Called more than once')
                return 'happy'
            return inner

        call_once = call_at_max(1)
        lazy_dict[5] = call_once
        assert lazy_dict[5] == 'happy'
        assert lazy_dict[5] == 'happy'

        # Test for helper function.
        except AssertionError:
            assert True